Friday, October 2, 2015

Goodbye Sept, Hello Oct

Time flies oh dear, it is already the 10th month of 2015,  and we are just left with two more months to to another new year.. My favourite season is almost here again, and i genuinely missed my Dec'2014. I spent so much time enjoying everything that was laid out to celebrate the season and had so much fun too. And most importantly, just being me and enjoying all the comfort food, people that i am comfortable with and creating really comforting memories. It was definitely one of my golden time so far, after living for 17 years in this planet yay man.
This, is the last week of Sept and the days flew by too, i spent the first two days struggling with burden 2015 and the remaining of the week rewarding myself and enjoying life woohoo (:

Mon : maths paper was really such a sweet heart omg and yes, it was for the very first time, i am genuinely thankful for maths in my life and after so much struggles with maths since p5, it has now actually become my last hope, my last straw to show that i can actually do something in jc. The journey with maths was so painful since p5 and now, it is my last and one and only last saving grace, oh dear. I cannot believe how things have changed. Chuken said that h1 maths suit me more and that it is giving me much much more confident than before already. And i think it is true too, teehee. But i kind of struggle a little during maths paper because i was trying rather hard to recall everything i wrote, memorised and studied. I faced some issues but hey, everything pulled through woohoo.

Tues : chi paper 2 and 3. I started studying on hari raya haji, one day after hell day. I am so thankful that i forced myself to study and constantly remind that laidback me that if i don't do it now, i won't focus the night before the actual paper and then i definitely ended up randomly study some of the extract/poems/prose. That actually worked much better and that i was only left with 5 the day before the paper. It was quite okay because it was the first time i actually properly studied each and every one before i go for my paper. And like what i thought, i knew the paper won't be a killer. The paper was really rather alright and should you have studied, it is impossible to screw it up or fail. Because there will be a switch of syllabus, they wanna push all of us up so they won't set a killer paper. Plus, they cannot retain so many people already so yeap.
For the lit paper, it was 4 choose 6. When i first saw the questions, i actually marked out the questions i wanted to do, but wow i ended up picking another question that i studied for SA and totally untouched at all instead of the one i studied omg. And i was just writing everything based on memory omg. And when i was doing the first question, i only wrote 3 lines and then i couldn't recall whatveceri studied oh dear. I panicked for 2 mins and then i told myself that 'no i need to move on and do others first. i will come back later' and i am glad i did that because i did the other questions and i felt so much at ease and when i finished writing the other 3, i went back. Though i didn't wrote as much as the others, but i am just glad my mind was rather calmed then and i could recall more woohoo.
The computer paper was alright too but it was a slight bad time management and i wrote to the end of the clock. Thank god i finished everything on time phew.

Overall, becasue of maths and chi paper, i ended my promos well and i can safely tell you that if i retain, it would only be because of either geo or econs. And i felt so much better about promos because i ended on the right note. I am thankful for these other two subjects woohoo. And with this, i officially conclude that i completed and survived burden 2015

Wed : ikea with weiran. It was probably the most retarded and funny time because we first forgotten to alight at our stop and then we ended up on the highway which transported us all the way to punggol oh dear. HAHAHA. We ended up at a rather ulu place and we didn't what bus to take back omg HAHAH. That girl then said she wanna take ootd lmao at where we were stranded omg. And what is our solution? C A B. We cabbed back and we were just like 'what were we doing before that lmao'  ikea food is probably one of the reason why ikea is surviving so well tbh. The food is love as usual and omg i missed them all so much?? Everything was so on point asdfghjkl. And i had fun playing with all the furniture and household things as well. HAHAHA. And weiran did bought her bowls and i bought stuff too, unknowingly omg. Bought a travel mug, a jug and scented candle. All in all, it was a great day with great food, great place and great company teehee.

Thurs : finally, after ten thousand years, i met up with that girl i grew up with and we were friend since p1, & and this year, it is really our 10th year of knowing each other. Honestly, we rarely met up and rarely talked also. But, because of that, whenever we meet, we always have many many things to say. And i had my first bingsu try. fml, that little piece of ice is so so good?? like everything blends it so well, especially the milk?? and all the fillings compliment each other and everything tasted like heaven?? 'one spoon, and you are brought to heaven and i have to agree?? kbbq was nice too but as usual, buffet hates me so i didn't eat much too :( and then we went to many places as well. And after finally another five hundred years, my screen protector came off and i really had to change it. My phone feels like a new phone again + the new phone cover makes it looks so so elegant once again omg i really have talent sia. My phone is being ill-treated so badly by me but then whenever i changed it, it looks like a new phone again omg. Who will believe that is already 3 years old and approaching her 4th soon already? HAHAHA. And i bought a super adorable pencil case too yay man.

And omg, can i say? Why do i constantly meet people whenever i goes out omg? Like at ikea, tpjc people were everywhere -.- and marcus was with his friends and i think he knows me too bc when the moment he saw me, he nodded in my direction and then all his friends turned and looked at me urgh fml. and tpjc people are pda-ing in uniform and i am like 'girl are you kidding me?'
And then today at orchard, i met 4 people i know omg. first person was charissa and her friends, second was jiawei, third was amanda and her boyfriend and then last was limin's classmate. omg, one trip and i see so many tpjc people walking up and down smh. Met both sec school and jc people but mostly jc, and i am just like 'omg why do all of you gather around omg' i was so scared to meet people i know and then i ended up meeting so many fml.
BUT, minus all these redundant people, i am thankful for these two days out because i spent much quality time with the people i loved for a very long time teehee.

Fri : pw lesson in the morning later. pw being a burden and teachers are way way too efficient omg. the moment promos ended, all damn pw work schedule come flowing in and then the post promos aka pw & mtl timetable is out, but it ain't making much sense to me smh.
I better get my A for putting so much efforts into pw omg. Like i genuinely feel that all my efforts are really worth an A.
Goodbye studies, hello pw. Let's spend a good 1.5 months together and make all these shit MORE THAN worthwhile please.

Sat&Sun : going back malaysia and yes, finally after missing so so so many many many times, I AM FINALLY ABLE TO FOLLOW BACK OMG YES OMG
missing everything back home and i cannot wait to spend my time, stoning again teehee.
okay, looking forward to it now yay for more peaceful and real relaxing time now woohoo

And this is now the end of my 9th month of 2015. The next 2 months will just revolved around council, pw and lastly, studies and academic week. Results are coming back in nov. I pray that everything will be alright and i can move up to the next year sigh. But now, let's focus on pw and make sure i secure my A asdfghjkl.
It was one super hectic month and literally, everyday went back so so fast and when it finally all ended, it is really the end now. I am more than grateful everything is over and yes, i can finally released and put down that burden that i had been carrying with me since feb 2015. I felt so much at ease and yes, it is all about pw now. Thank lord for everything that was placed before me and now it is time to receive them all with an accepting heart and make the best out of it.

3 more months, let's continue to make the remaining time worthwhile and enjoy everything while it last.
'yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is a gift; that's why it is call the present'


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