Sunday, October 11, 2015

Farewell & PW

From title, you can see this week main content. That's right, Farewell & PW. Everyday was just a repetitive of it. Morning: PW Afternoon: Council Night: More PW & Farewell. Though it was just repeat repeat, i never felt so meaningful & productive before. I honestly feel it is more productive than the normal school days and the forever-never-ending tutorials. Thankful for this week because i started my OP preparation & farewell is progressing really well.

Mon: marking day but school claimed it only applied to the teachers & students still have to return to school for PW and etc... So went back to school in the morning for PW but guess who was late and couldn't enter the class because she was chased out by the teacher. But she has really sweet groupmates who asked the teacher to let her in and yeah she managed to attend the pw lesson & not waste her day like that. Afternoon, farewell teacher ic aka ms nunis and mr teo called me and i didn't see the text until 12plus when it was sent to me since 8plus omg. So last min so angry so unprofessional ): but finally met them at 3 and farewell assembly programme is out and work are finally here. surprisingly. majortiy of the work is done by the teachers and what me and sean mainly are in-charge is the overseeing of the event on that day & council performance aka finale & goodie bag packing & board designing & cheering in the morning on that day & write email and send to the J1s & J2s. Guys, if you think teachers are professionals, please wake up from today onwards and teachers are normal humans too. they procrastinate, they don't do shit until last minute. this farewell assembly may look like there is nothing much to be done; but no, the teachers haven't get their shit together yet. HAHAHA. everything is so last minute, and being someone that hates last minute, you can see how much this gets on me and i honestly just questioned the teachers. but oh well, thankfully, because the teachers ain't rushing much & many things ain't confirmed, that actually leaves me rather alright and i am able to work at a really comfortable pace yay. & teachers taking charge for almost all the things, tbh i am both happy and sad at the same time. happy because i don't have to worry too much on my part and i am just following instructions from the top, but sad because i can't really have any say in most of the things i am doing so it is not really an event organised by me oh well ): but other than that, everything is alright and really really great !! like G R E A T hahaha. i am the best team too & the most understanding and helpful teachers ic & flow of events is simple and not complex and super trouble-free & most importantly, the most co-operative and sweetest bunch of 30th councillors i swear teehee.
My planning comm is probably the dream team. Everyone contributes and everyone helps out. No one complains or shuns away from any work. And everyone is very understanding towards this oic and everyone really gives me the faith and confidence they have in me. they put their trust in me and they don't give me trouble at all. LIKE AT ALL FRIENDS. sean is constantly worrying that he is not contributing enough and feel useless because he was feeling unwell and didn't attend school for two days, so he just took all my paper work aka proposal writing and admin work. HAHAH. plus, he was really really considerate and help me out in many many areas teehee. jo is probably the best person for all the technical shit omg hahah. he was the best person that runs up and down during rehearsal on wed and pumped in many many suggestions for the backstage work also oh yay. kimchi is so adorable lah, haha she helped out jo and also constantly keep me in check and help me from time to time. she constantly come running to me and just lend me her helping hand sweethearts urgh. the both of them also contributed the most to the board designing at the canteen urgh, why are there people forever so artistically talented i can't even draw a stickman for nuts omg like i can't even get the proportions right?? how ridiculous omg the board at the canteen is so so pretty okay i love it so so much omg and the board in front of student hub is also a good job done teehee, jo did the drawings and i wrote the words, cursive handwriting are freaking useful in such situations woohoo. melissa threw in so so many ideas and she was also the one that taught me to be tough and don't be easily dragged down, yes couldn't be more than thankful. though the exco advisor, afrina allowed us to have most of the say and she really is very easy-going, she agrees to everything yay man and the teachers were so nice omg?? like ms nunis is so sweet and so nice to me and she doesn't go harsh on me yay man, and guys, mr teo complimented my proposal omg, like errr... i am feeling so weird like i am not supposed to know or i shouldn't be knowing but chuken told me that he complimented my proposal in front of all the excos omg and even asked them to follow my format and i was like 'what' 'what' 'what' it was just a very simple proposal and i genuinely thought there was something missing and that proposal isn't professional enough but he told me it was a job well done and i am like 'omg are you serious, i feel like i achieve something great in life omg' mr teo is someone that doesn't compliments or even say good job because he is so sarcastic and he has expectations that are higher than the heavens and he said that i wrote a really good proposal omg urgh i am so thankful omg like my work is actually approved by someone urgh i am feeling so so touched and honored omg. i am someone that constantly fails in life and doesn't get my things done properly or even just in the right ways. i make ten thousand mistakes and blur af. i am someone that honestly you do not want to entrust me with work, but then here i am, work being recognized and acknowledged and i am just feeling more than thankful and grateful. i am so motivated to continue this work and progress and eventually make farewell a great success. everything is falling so neatly and accordingly. so far, i am not facing any major errors and everything is following as planned as well. i couldn't be more than thankful than ever and i genuinely just hoped everything will be at this pace until the end of this coming fri. i am willing to give more than 200% of efforts and hardwork to make sure farewell turned out well and great. council people are a great sweethearts too omg sigh so much love for all these people around. they stayed back for three days straight, only received the notice that they need to learn, practice and perform or farewell next week, and i received zero complaints, negative ten unwillingness, negative hundred i-am-not-going-to-put-in-efforts and most importantly, a percentage level of hitting the heavens' rooftop of teamwork and efforts put in. and i am not going to ask for anything more but going t bow 90 degree to them for being so so so helpful in this situation here for me. honestly, i was expecting all kind of stupid bullshit throwing at me but no, when i have zero expectations, they gave me ten thousands miracles and wonders. thank you so much my really really lovely and wonderful fellow councillors. and everyday, i am just thankful that i am part of the 30th, part of this family yay yay yay

And PW was rather alright too. we did op presentation 1 and wrote the script too. this entire week was just all about preparing for the presentation on thurs. nothing much happened but i am just glad and relieved and thankful that i am under him for my pw. every week, without fail, rain or shine, for a good 3 whole month, it was all just about editing the wr over and over and over again. because of his undying passion, our wr is relatively good now and condensing is also coming to an end soon. everyone is rushing their wr and hoping to submit asap but tbh we were the only few groups that are rather laid back and don't have to rush through much. all damn hardwork that was done three months ago, the same agony for every week and making me reading through the same shit over and over again, editing the same shit over and over again, and researching the same shit over and over again. omg, guys did i tell you my top most related search is about food wastage now. even my com is telling me how much work and efforts i have put into my wr. i better get my A okay. I REALLY DESERVE IT OKAY. now, we are completing wr soon & focusing on op now. script is going to going through ten thousand editing also, just like my wr. but it is okay, because i know everything will be so so so worth it yay (;

next week, packing of goodie bag, full dress rehearsal on wed & the real deal, farewell assembly on fri, and amidst all these, pw is going to by my side and sticking really really closely like a sticky gum with me. but rather excited about next week, because it is going to get much much busier and hetic, but i am very sure that it would be really really eventful and significant to my 2015 (:

bonus: met up with Ming and spent the entire afternoon and night with her, just walking, eating and buying stuffs. (: it has also been 4 months since i last saw her and she also followed me to do some mini shopping for my wedding next week. we ate casual Italian food and had my second bingsu yay. we really caught up a lot with each other and laughed a lot too. one of my favourite in sec school and will still be one of my favourite in my life to come (:

**nicholas, please stop being weird at me & please stop giving me those knowingly stares and looks. yes, oyu looked like you have moved on (i hope i am right omg) and yes i am glad you do. stop looking at me with those 'i got something to say' face because i will constantly wonder what is going through that brain of yours.
& luzhengwei, FOR GODS SAKE, STOP TEXTING ME OMG STOP STOP STOP when i choose to ignore, choose to grey tick, choose to not reply, choose to move on, you stop holding on urgh. stop coming in and stop, just stop coming into my life. i am really really enjoying and being really thankful about everything right here and right now. no time for your bullshit and no time to entertaining useless shit in life too urgh.

'i am thankful that at everything that is placed before me. they allow me to lead a purposeful life and allow me to find meanings in my life too...'
Countdown to the no1 highlight of 2015 : in exactly 2 months teehee


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