Friday, July 10, 2015

Second week into school

Another hectic week ended. Fortunately, it was a less stressed, less tiring week. Thankful for this week, especially the terrible week before. As usual, school is full of drama and unexpected event but yes, i am always glad that i pulled through them all. They serve as a reminder to me that at least i am still leading my life properly, purposefully. Am i still breathing? Yes, i am. :)
Monday was probably the most nerve-wrecking day. Was busy running around between morning duty and oath taking omg. Not forgetting there is announcement oh dear. The mind was so jumbled up with all sorts of feelings and thoughts; anxiety, worries, paranoid and etc. Still suffering from serious problems of preparing the heart and mind for announcement making... << need to work on it a lot a lot.... Thankfully, it was all alright but standby on Thursday was relatively disappointing. Announcement was alright but standing posture oh dear -__- (take note girl)
Lessons this week was alright too but i would like to add that this was probably one of my slackest week ever since orientation? I ended exceptionally early for three days straight yehet. HAHAHA. Spend a lot of time just enjoying life and basically, just doing things i loved aka videos watching and eating and lying on the bed. It was really the best afternoon ever before all sorts of weird stuffs like extra lessons, star, preparation work for school events kicked in. Yes, council is still very slack but i am starting to foresee all the work coming in, all the stress and burden that is going to be thrown at us.
Thursday, how i love you. EoM was a relatively great job, he said that it was comparatively, a better work, compared to PI. Honestly, no one understands how much this statement actually means to me, especially by looking at how much i screwed up my PI. I needed to do everything and all i can to salvage that mistake i made. I couldn't afford a second error. That statement acted like a confidence boost for me. Yes, i am not going to fail anymore, both in WR and OP. I am going to make sure that i am able to so so so so so happy on results day next year. Yes, i will.
Oh, and it was Raudhah birthday too, 9/7. Seriously, the balloon was so adorable alright and i am proud of it omg HAHAHAHA. And recently, i felt that we are more comfortable (or maybe just me) with one another and i am spending more time laughing with them. Despite the failed surprise event smh, I am glad everything worked out and that she loved it all. YES I LOVE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS SO MUCH OMG
And oh dear, how much i love the new physical geo teacher. I am so thankful she left and they brought in these two new teachers??? HAHAHAHA. I am actually starting to see the light in rocks, in weathering, in basically all the originally strange geographical terms?? Is that a sign that i can actually do physcial geo and all i am lacking now is just the stupid motivation to be a good girl and read my notes? Time to prove your worth, my dear. You are capable of doing more that you can.
Side note : Councilors need to run 50km each for the school SG50 run and basically it is just like a bolt of lightning that strike so hard at me oh dear omg. I was so thankful that it was an optional event until the teachers made all of us to do it??? (i haven't been moving my ass properly ever since napfa 2014??? good luck to me and running)
Lastly, telepathic trio is established around these two days but i cannot remb clearly which day was it already omg. HAHAHA. < currently still trying to understand how this friendship work out omg HAHAHAHA. Nevertheless, i couldn't be more than thankful woohoo
I guess time is the essence to all things in life. Never worry whatever that is going to or not going to happen. Eventually, it will all worked out. Just have faith and always believe that today is not the worst, because the worst day is already over and we are just one more step closer to our favourite happiness. xoxo
Ending this with my current favorite song with this special line;
'It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Everything will be alright. I believe in you'

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