Friday, July 3, 2015

Returning :)

Hi :) It has been a while. Managing blog was supposed to be a part of my life. Ever since life took over me, this was neglected. Sec 3 and 4 weren't easy but i am glad i survived them all. :) The journey wasn't easy but i am glad i had the best bunch of people with me. And i am thankful because they remind me of the goodness in life.
This year, 2015. Starting my academic life with a new identity, in a new environment, surrounded with new people. Yes, adapting was tough, especially when i am super bad at adapting. However, i can safely say that so far everything is alright and the journey is somewhat smooth for me. To be honest, i didn't expect myself to return here since i left here for 2-3 years. Returning here, just simply hope that i can now find a place where i can just rant and spazz about my life without worrying what the others have to say. Wanted to use jayaiiie_ but idk still felt unsafe and i guess i still feel insecure about some issues and stuffs i wanna say so yeah, hence here. I don't know what will i be writing here but i guess i will be just plain blunt and honest with my thoughts and opinions about things around me and don't give a shit to anyone or anything anymore.
Yeah, today marks the opening of this blog. Changed the name, bio, and ever URL. I want to start afresh. I want to start anew. I want to begin a brand new page.
Okay, stop with all bullshit and let me talk about my first week of school since June Holidays'15

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