Friday, July 3, 2015

June Holidays Updates

(i sound like a weird retarded kid. one emo there, another hyper here lmao)

First week : pre-u seminar. It wasn't about the things we learned or received. It was more about chilled and relaxed time i had here. The people made the preparation, event and exhibition process very smoothly. Spend one week of worth time relaxing and forgetting all bullshit in life and just having the time to myself and just bond with the people i loved back in sec school. For the week, i couldn't be more than thankful. p/s : i even suffered from post pre-u sem syndrome.
Second week : received a free lunch + bonding session with the telepathy buddy. bitching, ranting, spazzing and just talking about life. Yes, it was just pure dumbness and happiness :) // sea games with weiran + day out with her. 'True couple goes grocery shopping together' HAHAHA. Indeed, this love is so real. HAHAHA // econs lesson 101, as usual, someone was being a bitch and no extra comments are required. // day out with aunty too + shopping YAYAYAY // This week, i played my way through and i never felt so happy before ^~^
Third week : finally decide to get my shit together and start life proper HAHAHA. got some work + went out thrice too. // unbelievable shopping trip with the limin and hannah (me bought clothes too) // pw interview too // HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK : fat cat ice cream bar w/ weiran + 4hm class bbq. LOVE LOVE LOVE the ice cream omg (i need a revisit omg) and class bbq, was so thankful to see some of the familiar faces again and as usual, talking crap was the best thing ever. HAHAHA. // ending off the week with a malaysia trip. Never going to deny that malaysia has the magical power to let me relaxed, chilled and just empty with all nonsense in life. Yes, malaysia is one of my healing place.
Last week : realise that homework is going at a legit slow slow slow place so decide to catalyses that shit by sacrificing my sleep and did it. (actually i do work or not also sleep so late so i don't think it was much of a sacrifice? HAHAHA) // ending off my holiday with two day out. // poop outing finally after what seemed like an eternity HAHAHA. I am still missing the cheese chicken omg T^T // movie 'twenty' with ming. Honestly, couldn't be more than thankful for the movie and ming. Had a truly great laugh bc the movie is pure dumbshit HAHAHAHA and ming was being a usual adorable ball of happiness.
Dramas, variety shows, movies, useless videos, of course how can i ever missed out of them, isn't it?
'everything has to come to an end, no matter how good or how bad'
I'm glad i could call this one of the most meaningful and fruitful holiday. (:

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