Friday, September 16, 2011

Halo~ Long time didn't blog le..Hehe..xp not really have much time now since eoy coming le...-.- actually,i started having a diary,a hyper will actually keep diary! This is crazy right! So i will now kinda 'blo' on my diary since i cannot use com..-.-
anyway,yesterday was my eoy Chinese Oral,tester was lance Lim..i choose myself de..xp Hehe he was quite nice and he told me that I did quite well..Hehe^~^ i was damn happy lorh! Somemore,today i did damn effing well for my geo test leh! Hehe..^<^ oh no,got to gprs and start revising my science,this period i will not really blog,so please try to understand....dun worry,i swear after eoy,i will try to blog as often as possible! So..bye for now! Wish me good luck for eoy....^^~

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