Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dear Jie Ai,

I knw you are gonna have your eoy soon but u dun feel revising...i understand yr feelings but u look back all the hardwork that u put in your worksheets,projects abduction even bloody e-learning, u will also do it! This show that u r actually thought a lot for yr studies right? So always remember this is your final lap before u look forward to Dec hols when u can enjoy yourself every single day and dump all your books away! Remb your hardwork just before mye,because all your efforts, you got 7 in the class! Isn't this truly amazing! So Jie Ai,dun forget what is your goal, i will not write it here.. And always remember there is an iphone 4 waiting for u at the finishing line! So Jie Ai,never ever let this happen to you! Clear?! I hope u will heed my advice!~ all the best and jiayou!~(:

From your owner,
Jie Ai

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