Saturday, May 7, 2016

Panorama 2016 ;

I think I'm freaking obvious already but what makes me real happy was we took a photo together HAHAHAHAHA and actually today quite fun oh well really panorama 2016 was not bad but photo-taking session was more fun yay ✨✨✨
dinner & meeting up early were great, going there together was also alright and really the time spent together is really nothing much until towards the end, when I finally had the courage to tell myself, okay I'm going to take the photo and freak, he was also doing the same thing omg yay ☺️☺️☺️ and yay we took the photo, it was nice okay the photos woohoo πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™† not magical night because cannot compare it to prom. Prom was just so much happiness and cray cray ness HAHAHAHA
I think I'm legit moving towards that side already wtf and he MIGHT actually start noticing something and then even though he decide to remain blur, I'm sure his friends will brainwash him very well. But whatever the case, tonight was great really yay πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ I realise what makes me real happy was we took the photo, and when I was kind of looking for him and actually thought he left, he literally just appeared in my face omg yay hahaha
And yeah, he said he was looking for me also to take photo omg wow πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―
And yeah we took the photo and it was nice because freak we wore the same thing rude shit humans and people actually speculate we are together because of what we wore together wow I am feeling great right now πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

but okay, I need to learn to maintain a bit omg because he MIGHT actually sense something already freak la wth .......

Panorama 2016 ;
It was a great night and we had so much trouble getting the tickets wth and I almost couldn't go omg what the freak and to think I will just missed out on all of these?? But omg thank the lord everything went out well and yes I was there and dinner plans could go on wow.
Was rather excited for panorama really because like watching the clique perform is one thing, and the dinner was another thing hahaha. Pockets of silence here and there, similar situation when I was with Alan and wow, he is really nice and sigh, times spent together is really good 😒😒
freak, now can't spazz on private because he's there much wow.
Oh, we walked around the mall few times, ups and downs aimlessly. Met Teo when going up the escalator, thanks the lord he didn't see us and freak, we kind of ran away lmao. Oh ya, I went to City Hall station, and was waiting for him, standing at a pillar looking legit like a kid that did something wrong and was having her punishment gg. jieai was so tired so she wanted to lean back and shut her eyes a while. Then, this group of tourists approached her and then she had to help them find directions and all. So yeah, when I was done helping them. I really went back to my little corner and was going to continue standing there lmao, but I decided to take a look at the look at the tap out area again and yeah, I saw this guy backview quite familiar and omg is it him and yes, when the person turned around, it was really him!!! Hahaha, like a little kid the whole time because was kind of giggling, laughing, jumping around a bit omg oh well.
Walked around the mall few times legit because don't know what to do and where to go and after doing that for an hour?? We finally settled for Thai express and freak, his friends walked past him when I was looking at directory wow????
Dinner was okay because we talked more shit and real random shit but yeah it was nice to get to know more about each other yay ☺️✨
And then, we went to buy flowers and head to the place. We almost went the wrong way, twice and we were freaking walking behind this council junior of ours and his bunch of friends, that seriously couldn't stop turning back wow thanks mates
When reached, we parted ways and actually he sent me to upstairs first before going down again wow omg :-)))
oh and concert began!!!! lineup was really good and every performance has their own captivating points really & it was rather short for all the performing arts groups but I paid 14 bucks so okay, not complaining hahaha
love band harmonising, senpao was cute af hahaha; guitar was really light-hearted and simple; chinese drama was legit summarised lmao what hahaha, but pingxin was pretty la so yay; guzheng was really really sweet and calming πŸ‘πŸ‘; malay cultural was really nice :)
mdc is great as usual, but too many people and too many things happening at the same thing so confusing af too???
choir was so entertaining and adorable omg HAHAHAHA SO CUTE OMG
And yeah, they had appreciation ceremony and singing of the college song wow friends.
lame sidetrack: he was actually siting first row at the bottom level, but he came up to second floor???
and okay la, I kind of turned back quite a bit oh well πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š
Collected the flowers and was jumping and running up and down so much because taking photos with different people lmao
Took photo with Joel but his friends were pushing him towards our direction, and raudhah was being an asshole so she gave me a push as well fml seriously wow. But okay la, we took a photo together hahaha weiran fav ship seriously but lmao, when taking the photos we were talking about him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ oh and ya we took a photo together yay but okay la, his class was being mean to him so okay lorh, I don't mind taking photos also ☺️☺️
And then next, we saw Olivia and then Jayce yay!!!! Super excited to see them and then while waiting for the others, I ended up running up and down, in and out of the place because go home gang, telepathic trio and telepathic buddy wanna take photos together hahaha
It was so nice omg, every time after a performance, it's always the same situation all over again hahaha
Oh and yeah, finally Jessa and Denise and pingxin finally appeared and we gave out flowers, had group hugs and finally took photos but freak la, so rushed so the photos didn't come out nice sigh omg, not very main-worthy though, but I wanna post something about panorama 2016 though 😒😒😒
A02 took class photo omg and we all took the efforts to find Afiq omg and we had a class photo like we actually wanted to take a class photo and didn't mind going around looking for a someone omg wow A02 is really changing but then sigh, at times, I am still quite done with the class la wth :///
conflicting much oh well
and yeah afterwards, I thought it was all finally over but then I thought it was a slight pity because I wanted to take photo with him but i don't dare to go to him sigh 😒😒 and when I finally made the resolution to go up to him, I came out and thought he left but nope, the next thing I knew was he came straight up to my face FREAK OMG, and he said he was looking for me omg cry die me so omg yay!!!!! HAHAHA because taking photo wasn't just a one-aided thing HAHAHAH
and yeah, I was embarrassed and I kind of let off myself too much hahaha, legit wanna spazz so much but I don't even know is it even possible wth lmao omg and then I finally went home with Rau and hids yay and concluded the night. And I updated private and still considering main but hahaha, tis was a great night, with great performances, with great people & excellent company πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œ

'I think I'm drunk, drunk in your love. But I think I'm sober, sober enough to call it a day.'


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