Monday, May 23, 2016

Hardwork now, sweetness later

A week with so much in me, didn't really started out well but towards the week, vvv thankful for everything that happened and sigh, concluding that after experience the worst, whatever afterwards is certainly the rewards and tasting those fruits of labour and hardship πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ 

High af fml. But I think I am high for the wrong reason wow. Basically he wasn't in school because he went for his commando interview and all. And okay, when I saw his snap in the morning and he said, 'I know you will be sad, because you don't get to see me in the morning' and I was just like, hmm wow okay...(bc he kind of speak my mind wth...) and so I had to cover up by saying, 'more like you don't get to see me you don't be sad' fml what am I doing seriously......
And I told hidayah and pingxin regarding this shit and i genuinely hope I don't screw things up already?? And me and hidayah went off to talk somewhere and we left the other two there. Sorry friends, I just don't feel very comfortable sharing to some of you regarding some issues so yeah. 
But yeah, the entire day was alright but when mama came and picked me up, I was late for ten mins and she decided to text and called chuken and jeevan :-)))) my dear chuken was having his ca and jeevan wasn't in school!!!!! How the hell are they going to find me wtf. I felt so bad towards the both of them and I had to apologised ON HER BEHALF and then I had to explained the situation ON HER BEHALF omg, and who was the one that's ALWAYS late when she comes to pick me and she tell me not to be late wow. Anyway, she was late for half an hour and she still asked me back, she was late??? WOW, and who was the one that insisted the timing when I tried to push it back so hard wtf 
Omg, our relationship is going to get so bad by the end of the year and seriously, it's not about A levels anymore omg. The ties is going to be vulnerable and I fear that we are going to argue over real trivial matters next time and then we will start not hang out anymore unless necessary because of all the misunderstandings and conflicts then I don't wanna clarify and I let you on like that seriously. Fml

Nightmare and horror of the week. But was it because whatever I was going to experience for the rest of the week so way too beautiful and that's why I'm going through so hard that day??? 
Slept for 4/5 of the lessons and I cried too much already seriously. I cried three times wow how even. Twice when I met weiran during the break and we talked about jieai being so sad right now, and when everyone is suffering from jieai-deficient, she's suffering from life-deficient and she's on a life support right now 
HAHAHAHA that actually cracked me up so much I swear hahaha 
And the last time was she was late when she came and picked me up and then I tried negotiating and it turned into a toxic af lecture and then I ended up crying so hard and I cried to bed as well. I was so tired the entire day and then it was so awful wtf. I went home and just slept over it. But it was just so painful la wth I hate it so much I hate it 

Because when yesterday was too painful, today feels like a dream. And sigh, I think my Wednesdays are generally my best day of the week. And it was too good to be true wow. 
What a bittersweet day omg. Last day in the council room and we officially handed over the room to them omg 😒😒😒 
Morning was just plain noisy and making so much noise and laughing so hard. And my day ended early also because last lesson was cancelled hahaha. I ended at 12, oh technically 1150 because someone wanted to come and remove the fan and I just said, since we are left with 10mins, just end already and yes, ms tan was like okay la, hahaha!!!!! I love ms tan 5eva omg!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 
went to council room afterwards and freak I was there since 12 and all the way onwards. stupid joachim put the luck on my bag and I had to plead with everyone to unlock it but only nice jeevan did it for me!!! He couldn't unlock it and us two were slightly panicking but thank god it was out??? 
And yeah, we ended up on the sofa again talking about life :)))) I talked about toxic Tuesday and he shared wonderful Monday hahaha, it was fun talking about random shit in life and it wasn't for once awkward and had pockets of odd silence omg freak so happy hahaha ☺️☺️☺️ oh, and we ended up going for lunch together wow. It was really a very nice feeling and sigh, it was just fun πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’™ 
Oh ya, councillors were playing monopoly and screaming like mad in the room and then there are some of us, just sitting down there like bosses while waiting for juniors to figure out the lock hahaha. I love the room la wth and we are giving it up already.
And logs head is raj (expected so it's okay) but bless his team not even kidding stay strong raj πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ and have fun figuring out what's in the room and have a great time working with your team. And by the end of the council term, you're able to transform everything into something amazing, it's your success and it's your 31st logistics comm proudest moment ✨✨
Oh, and when juniors entered the room, ms nunis went like, 'whatever you guys need/want from the room, ask jeevan/jieai and tbh, at the moment, I really felt like a proud mum and then so much great satisfaction and achievement in me because really, only us two know the room so well enough I cannot. 
(random: I swear I didn't realise us two were sitting the same way, like sitting up straight and arms folded and looking at juniors unlocking the door omg freak) 
And invest rehearsal, and it was nothing much but it was nice attending council stuff again and also the very last time already anyway sigh.
Rehearsal ended, and when we went back to council room, wow the lock was stuck and then we couldn't open that shit and only to realise that juniors accidentally reset the lock wow. But lmao, when they were figuring out the lock outside the room, they were thinking of using tools to break open that shit, so they got me into the room (you can actually enter the room without unlocking the door hahaha) and then when I wasn't able to find it, they got jeevan to come in also via the wrong way, and then while others were figuring out the lock, we ended up talking even more and I tried finding hammer/mellet and all and we ended up talking about guides and scouts lmao and also family hahaha, it was super random but then we ended up just waiting for them to unlock and all already oops 
OH OH OH HAHAHAH ; we went ikea together too btw oops >>>> to get Ian present okay!!!!!! 
Took the bus there and was awkward af because there was raj and shuihan there as well wow but thank god they didn't really notice us so hahaha..
Spent a long time discussing which frame to buy and how are we going to decor it and all oops 
And because it was too late, he panicked and then he and chuken had to work together again lmao hahaha but mama feel sick so oh well
Cabbed home eventually because it was damn late already hahaha but sigh, it was way too much fun already the entire day, and I spent too much time with him in one day right hahaha but sigh, it was fun. Just fun ☺️☺️☺️

A mixture of good and bad actually. Like Delphine, Wendy and Lena all were not there for lessons!!!!! Had a super long break & I went off to make the present for Ian and then more jeevan for the day hahaha. And freak, we were so damn efficient and omg, I really love this work relationship because we are always super efficient and effective I cannot!!!! 
And I went back for lecture and afterwards, school ended two hours early for me hahaha!!!!! And I went back to write more cards and also a small note for Ian as well! But sigh, I felt so sad about myself and also super apologetic towards joel because we missed each other just like that and then we didn't hang out together as well omg!!! And poor joel even injured himself during the heats omg freak!!! I felt so bad towards him and really, we also haven't been hanging out with him and freak la, I miss him also wth omg and yeah, went home late (she didn't come btw) too but oh well oops.  
But really proud of myself for wed and thurs because I completed my todo list a lot yay!!!!

Another super satisfying day from this week really :')))
Star was cancelled so I ended school earlier, but get well soon alright ms huang 😒😒 
Lunch was funny because I spent a long time debating with jeevan, claudia and chuken were so done with us because we were contradicting ourselves hahaha but I missed talking to chuken and I legit need to catchup with him already WTF MAMA GET OUT LA OMG
and the afternoon was so messy because me and weiran wanted to go for guides pop but then what's annoying was the investiture rehearsal timing wasn't confirmed, and I heard four timings wow :-)) 
and I was also feeling a bit worried because I wasn't able to attend the rehearsal but I don't want to cancel on weiran as well because honestly we haven't been catching up + i miss weiran a lot, a lot.
but thankfully, i was able to attend half an hour of rehearsal and i left afterwards hahaha
and we missed the entire pop but we got the food though HAHAHAHA
but the trip there & on our way home, we were just non-stop talking, going on and on the whole time and seriously just letting all out, zero filter omg. I was so thankful for this because I can finally say everything and anything on my mind and then when we come together, there won't be a breathing time because we just keep on say so many things altogether and freak, I love these moments omg :'))) 
Though I missed rehearsal, no regrets I swear. But the food was also not bad hahah, and it was really nice going back to Chung Cheng and taking a look at everything, from the infrastructures, to people and the legendary lake :')))) 
Everything was oddly strange and familiar at the same time, and wow it doesn't feel the same anymore sigh. I missed Chung Cheng tbh, I missed it as a whole and I genuinely can't really pinpoint out what I missed most but I think I miss everything in general bah :)
But for tpjc, I think I will know what I miss though. I will miss the people, my favourite council and all the great friends and memories I made here. tpjc gave me one of the greatest and best memories for the rest of my life and I am thankful for it ☺️☺️

And long weekend ahead so quite happy about it !!! :')))) and can't wait for the last week of school already omg!!! holidays are coming and time to work harder and time to shine during sa2 yay!!!!!

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