Sunday, July 26, 2015

4th Week Updates ;

it had been a great week, really probably the best week so far. i looked forward to friday so much HAHA (check previous post for reference)
Mon ; went to SR Invest in the morning and saw so so many familiar faces omg. so so happy to be reunited with them omg. the investiture was alright but after the event, it was just another reunion with all the chung cheng people and all my close friends. was so thankful that i rep for it and it was so worth to miss sch and visit them too. it has been a great morning with amazing people. miss them all so so much and most importantly, miss the less stress-free days so much omg sigh...

Tues ; nothing much happened for started counting on to fri alre (d-3) completed anothere 5km though HAHAHA. including mon (10km), 35/50km done and it just felt so great teehee ;
Wed ; sch ended early at 12pm due to A levels listening and went for lunch with zhonghng. lunch was domino and omg we ate the banana kaya and can i say it is a very successful creation from them? the banana kaya was so good and it is seriously super matchy with the crust and cheese omg. i am definitely going back for more omg its really love love omg \^0^/ and yes council meeting in the afternoon too (d-2) completed 5km too yay
Thurs ; nothing much too in general except the fact that i completed 10km omg and yes, GUYS I COMPLETED 50KM OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE IT A LAZY PIG ME I COMPLETED OMG I AM SO SO HAPPY OMG !!!!!! and that 10km done was super meaning and great cause first 5km was done with cheryl, had a talk with her and we shared some of our personal things and it was a great session i am feeling more comfortable with her now yay and the other 5km was done with the telepathic buddy. telepathic buddy looked so stress and shag from all his admin work omg and yes we needed to catch up so hey we spent 5km walking and talking together and omg it was the first time ever, i don't feel tired at all from all the walking omg. okay maybe cause i was strolling the whole time but hey i completed it alre woohoo YAY YAY YAY (d-1)
Fri ; the best day of my life, the day that i restart my year, my 365 days teehee woohoo (previous post) it still seemed so unreal omg but really it is really great like really great (tbh, great is also an understatement for it. no words can be used to describe the best day of my entire year woohoo)

and yes i concluded my wonderful and super amazing fantastic excellent awesome joyous week (omg, i will miss this week so much sigh) and now i need to get back to reality again. it has been all a dream, a dream so sweet, so unreal, so fascinating. thanks for giving me that moment of happiness that i know and remember it with my entire life, i promise you all that.
'if i can continue this dream, i will never wake up'
'today was a fairytale'


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