Thursday, July 16, 2015

Selamat Hari Raya Pussa ;

Third week into school, comparatively a shorter week.
Excited about tmr, stepping into the zoo after one year plus omg <3 p="">HAHAHA.
Summary of this week, let's go ;
Monday was a relatively alright day, nothing special or extraordinary that stick out so it was good. Just that i was totally knocked out the moment i settled down at home. Zero work done because zero energy left. HAHA.
But this week i commence my 50km run ; update of this week run : 20km completed !! Honestly it was a wonderful and very commendable job done of my part, especially the fact that i completed solely 10km today like omg wow jieai wow HAHAHA.
Tuesday was good too and that i ended sch like around 7plus and reached home at 8plus and i literally lost my frequency and was super blur, like blur blur blur. When mama talked to me, it took me 10seconds to react, 10seconds to process her words, 10seconds to finally realise what she was talking and then i can finally respond to her. Wow, that lost of sensitivity.
Wednesday, HAHAHA. It was Claudia birthday. Wow, let me tell you an amazing story. I bought a balloon and the moment i stepped out of the mall, BOOMZZZ. I was so shocked i just stood there for 5seconds and literally lost myself. I didn't know what to do at all plus i was alone which just adds on to the super embarrassing moment omg. An auntie was super sweet, she asked me to go back and ask for one-to-one exchange. But the stupid person tell me it is the weather problem, not technical error so it cannot be exchanged smh omg. This made me i have to buy another one. After that, i was hugging onto the balloon and seriously ran away from all the sun and going under sheltered area. Oh, and don't forget noob jieai took a wrong bus and was so afraid that i was late for meeting (there was a council meeting that day too) so i cabbed back to sch and seriously left with zero dollar omg. It was so so so bad and seriously it was so depressing like omg, was so scared that the balloon will crash on me again omg i will seriously cry if the second balloon died on me again omg. Thankfully, it got home safely. Safe and Sound. And council meeting; finally rectified my serious problem as an announcer and omg i still got so much to work on and take note and improve. ): still very scared and worried and super super nervous when there is an announcement. sigh, yes much to work on...
Finally, today, Thursday. Broke the record, lessons ended at 5 and i was totally out of myself alre like wow. Track walking and completed 10km in total from yesterday and today. YES MAN HAHAHAHA.
Okay, the week ended with fri being hari raya pussa aka NO SCHOOL HAHAHA.
Koalas, pandas, red pandas, I AM COMING YAY YAY YAY
(will update the amazing story of koala love tmr omg)
<3 p="">Goodnight!

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