Friday, July 10, 2015

Instagram Concerns

I don't get many but people do ask me how do i achieve so many posts on my Instagram page. I just said that I love taking and posting photos. The process of wanting to capture something nice around me, giving it some simple touch up and then sharing it to the people around me. Yes, i feel satisfied from doing it. People liking those photos, leaving both good and bad, retarded and funny comments. I read them all and laugh them all away too. Those lovely comments, they reminded me of the beautiful things in life. Those retarded and funny comments, they reminded me of the simple things in life. Those mean and harsh comments, they reminded me of the insignificant things in life. I never replied them all. I never. (if you have been observant enough, i never reply comments) Not because i am feeling arrogant or being mean or whatsoever, but i don't like these whole clogged of convo under my photos and i just feel that whatever thoughts i have, i prefer keeping them to myself. After all, it is still a social page. A social page that everyone and anyone have access to it. I don't private it too. I never see the need to do it. I am not hiding anything from anyone, neither do i have any secrets there. Like it is a social page, why do i bother try hiding anything. People can't have access to it but what about the computer IT-savvy people? When people want to access your info, all they required is just few types on the keyboard, no problem at all. Yeah, that is why i don't hide too.
Someone once said this 'If you wanna see what the individual fear the most to lose, take a look at what they capture'
The first time i saw this, i was utterly shocked and in disbelief. These words just reflected the true me. I am not denying. Everything i posted, yes i am afraid to lose them all. I am afraid of losing all my loved ones, all my closed ones, all my happy and sweet moments, all my good food. Yes, i am afraid to lose them all. They are a reminders of my life, what i have done and that i am able to look back and remember all these important things in my life. Well, as one, they may seemed insignificant. But, when they are all together, they taught me about gratitude. I am thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful. Without those things on my page, i will easily forget about all of them and continue to lead my ungrateful life. I don't want them anymore. I wanna be constantly and always be thankful to each and every single thing in my life. Yes, complaining, ranting and bitching, i will die without them (will never deny it either) but at the end of the day, they remind me of all the good things in life. For eg, hell is hell. Yet, from hell i found a great comfort from my closed friends, especially the one i rant to most of the time regarding hell lmao. See, something good will come along the way so yes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
My Instagram is my life sharing page, my moments remembering page. I am proud of it. I am loving it. And i am proud to be the main owner of @limjieai
'Live your life everyday by being grateful. Then, you will not live a day of unhappiness.'

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