Monday, August 22, 2011

Today was quite a cool day at school. I needed to act during assembly so i leave class early for it..hehe...xp and we had so-called the last minute rehearsal..but it was only half done, cause the audience came so early...=.= but it was quite a success!~ Everyone LOVE it and were laughing as well!~ This means we have succeeded! hehe..^^ Ohya, my character was a nurse that needs to kinda scold and humiliate the main character and when i finished my role, everyone was laughing which means that my act was successful!~ :D And also for the very first time, I found the show funny and i was laughing non-stop! It was really the right choice to join the Chinese reading club! And it was also right to go for every practice! Everything paid off! ^^ I am over the moon now! Each and every actions and the words now etched deeply in mind now!~ I will never forget this reading club. It really brought my joy to me and i have also learnt a lot new stuffs and also not forgetting that the new bunch of friends that I have made. 读书会,我们明年见!:DDD

P.S. I met Rachel today when going home!! It was just too awesome! \^0^/ Hope we can meet again some day soon! :)

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