Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Today was the first day of guides camp. Everything ended smoothly and I am glad that I did not suffer from muscles aches :D woah! Too think I was slacking and feeding myself during the whole hols and I could still see my stamina there,quite unbelievable LOL (self-praise,thick-skinned)
Anyway,back to the main story, always got carried away...-.-
Started the day with all the admin stuffs before beginning the main activities. We had some bonding games first and it took me quite a while before I could be able to keep up the speed with my group. And I must truly said that my group members aka sec 2 seniors were damn awesome! :D they were so nice and sweet!^^ hehe... Den during lunch time, we had to fixed our own lunch and the time was tight so it was quite rushed though... But all in all, I still get to feed my tummy a bit :D haha...(P.S.I was the one in charge of the cooking,so zai right! LOL self-praise in action again-.-,can't stand myself at times as well .__.) after lunch, it was drilling time and I must truly said this-this was the most time I ever hentak for so long! :O but, the interesting part was I did not have a strand of dislikes nor tiredness OMG, this also shock myself too! Haha,well another accomplishment! I am so awesome!^^ (self-praise for the third time) and I also got the chance to use an axe and chop the wood(: totally used up 25% of my remaining energy! But still, it was a fun and meaningful experience YAY
Oh,and I finally got my total defense badge and also learnt how to tie my scarf ^0^ omg, what a great day! Many great(to me lah!) accomplishment was made! :D hehe; really proud of myself at times^^(Y)
On top of all these happiness, there is also some sad-ness. That is I nid 2 write a reflection(which needed to hand up tmr but due to some personal reasons, I will not be there) and also a card aka the angel bottle which I need to do, so yup, before I forget them again,need to jot it down on moi table(: Okay! The main and funny moments had ended and I also would like to write a small dedication abt u(:
Just like wht I have wrote in my previous post, I have decided to let him/her go, I shall too, let u off. I cannot hold on to you like how I did before, not only will u suffer but me ad well. You will feel so depressed and tired and so do I. Everything had to end now. We are still just like how we were but anything is possible in this world. I can never tell you wht will happen the next sec, next hour, next day,next week nor next year. Wht I can only do now is when the relationship between both of us is the best, the sweetest break up. This will do us both well. We will only remember the happy and memorable parts of each other and somehow, it will leave a mark in the mind, in the heart(: I think I am able to just remain the relationship with you now just like that. There is neither stepping forward nor backwarding, just there. So just like wht I have said and done previously, I will do the same thing again, I will let you go now but I will pray for u and wish you well(: jiayou(:

P.S. I actually was hoping that I could finish rushing this post out before 20/12, but apprently I can't, so yup. But nvm...at least,I have written my deepest feeling of my heart(:
My new year resolution: not only I am able to ace my studies, I must also learn to be decisive and chic. Everything will be solve in a quick yet effective way. No more being fickle and no more dragging of stuffs as well. It will all be in a not only efficient, but also will be as simple as possible(: jiayou! :D

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