Saturday, April 2, 2016

Back to school, back to life

Mon; another ordinary day at school, nothing much and it's a repeat trying to stay awake in tutorials and lectures & getting my shit together. Didn't get to go home with go home gang and was feeling slightly sad about it :-(
Went to get his present though with chuken & wrapped everything up too (who's the real loser right now)
🍇🍇: texted me in the night & he told me about his interview that was scheduled to end in the evening. Probably meeting up on Thursday, and we ended up discussing where are we meeting & yeah, eating dinner together as well :)
Day 1 of not feeling anything towards his cheesy saying hahaha (probably still feeling slightly disturbed by what he did last fri oh well)

Tues; knocked down after lessons and catchup with Joel afterwards was great. We studied a bit, updated each other + ended up at tampines area buying food and laughing at each other. Joel dropped his entire newly bought ice cream on the floor guys, it was so hilarious 🌚🌚 but then my very first instinct was actually to go into the shop and get another one lmao (oh wow, I'm so used to this kind of shit because it happens to me so damn often right :-)
He ate new food and was surprise that's it's so good & food adventures is going to be so exciting omg hahaha. And we finally realised that, he will bring me to cafe food & I will bring him to street food. Omg food adventures can't wait for them seriously. It's going to be so amazing ☺️☺️
Ended the day well :)
🍇🍇: texted me at 1105pm abt asking me to sleep early, and it was literally the time that I fell asleep lmao. Hahaha, only saw and reply the message next morning oh well.

Wed; feeling slightly better because slept earlier last night. Lessons were alright too but genius jieai made one great mistake. She thought she didn't bring her econs notes for lecture but then later in the day, she realised it was in her bag all this while :-) how interesting woohoo. Dialogue session was quick and efficient 😌 and freaking found out that the j1 that shadowed me was a Chung Cheng junior and plus came another one. Was in so much of a shocked and we ended up bitching about Chung Cheng freak HAHAHAHAHA it was so fun omg. When she realised that I was from Chung Cheng, I was even more shocked when we were all from the same school what even
And then she started naming the teachers and seniors (aka my batch friends) omg so much joy in that short period of time :') and now I have Chung Cheng juniors in council friends omg so amazing I cannot hahaha.
RANDOM RANT : I AM SO ANNOYED WITH NEW IG UPDATE OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM SERIOUSLY OMG ; and I even send one report because I am so done with their new creation it's so stupid and disgusting freak
Council nothing much, but logs work is going to commence soon and can you feel my excitement :-)
🍇🍇: replied him in the morning, talked a little. He's concerned about my results la oh well (but I don't want to see them leh zzz)
Cheesy statements came in again, but was just internally omg seriously that's all :)
I think I'm getting used to it already right? Or am I still somewhat unhappy about what happened previously 🙃🙃
Afternoon, he wrote my name is iliac, like Jie Ai, like omg friends it's so cool, WhatsApp can do that now omg hahaha. Zodiac signs was a random topic, nothing much & it became another even more stupid convo of me cancelling his name, and him saying I can only put a tick beside his name 🌚 and yeah, he realised it was shameless of him but then again, I have seen worse so his case is quite mild please hahaha. And yeap, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary :)

Thurs; happy birthday nalan 🎉🎉🎉
Another long day at sch I died so much wth.... And I kept on almost losing and forgetting his present bag omg.. Plus, last minute Delphine and Wendy were unable to make it for lesson, so it was an extra bonus omg 😚😚 hahah, and double geo today but both lectures so not that bad lmao.
But highlight of the day is RIGHT NOW and soon to be RIGHT HERE
(refer to previous post)

Fri; what a bad fri seriously. So fucking unhappy and annoyed at everything urgh. Everything is not right & everything just goes haywire urgh. Like I spilled my koi milk tea everywhere wtf and had to get prithi and her boyfriend to clean up for me. Seriously, her Boyfriend is damn nice I cannot omg. Like he insisted to do so many things omg and refused to let prithi do it, I need a guy like this friends 😢 and urgh, day 1 and cramp is being a real fucking bitch and vagina legit feel like tearing fml seriously. And stained my skirt too woohoo :-)
Nothing much for lesson but PE was really slack and chinese was just essay writing but I didn't get to finish it so I had to complete it after lessons.
Something light-hearted would probably denise and her snapchat video, died laughing and I watched it probably close to 30 times already. It was so hilarious I died.
Council was alright also, but didn't get to do much omg. Had some speed bonding thing, and it was just basically having some interactions over food and snacks. Then it was some preparation work for council camp games. Super sleepy + sian + lethargic the entire day, partly also because of the super painful bottom part of the body omg. Genuinely hope camp will be fun though sigh, like urgh I put in some input already fml, things better work out.
And fml, butt-ache + thigh muscle-ache + cramp + sore feet, friends I lost my entire bottom half of the day seriously omg
I really want just go home and rest and seriously call it a day wth I'm just so done with the entire day already. And urgh, I need my DOTS seriously. My Song Joong Ki & Jin Goo 😢😢
Where's my Song Joong Ki friends? I want one song Joong Ki la 😢😢
And this weekend is just all about completing more work + to be more productive and really want to become a better student.

One thing that I was proud of myself this week will be that I actually made an effort to complete all the due work early and I didn't wanted to lag them all hahaha. Quite happy about it ☺️
And also, I met Alicia, my ogl & nalan being in sap + sap president, and yeah I really wanna do well though. Sigh, but I'm not still very motivated or determined yet :( still need to work on that a bit more.....
Let next week be a better week though, especially when my weekends are completely gone and that I don't really have anytime to myself sigh.....
Indeed, council is still where I feel the most comforted and most happy and fulfilling :')
And this's why, council will always have a special place in my heart 💜✨
🍇🍇: he texted me and asked me about turning up the volume when I'm listening to music and all. Then later afterwards, I accidentally sent a wrong text to him omg dumb jieai.

Weekends; more work & going back to malaysia. Gonna learn how to download dots & shows on my phone so that I can go back and watch seriously omg, I really want my dots friends. I need my cray cray happiness and spazzing moment 😚😚

'That's right, I'm one more step closer to the end. Just a bit more. Persevere.'


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