Thursday, March 31, 2016

Happy 19th, Alan!


Texted him in the night & wished him happy birthday :) he was so excited and he was so happy that he said he is smiling like a kid hahah ☺️☺️
Met him after school for dinner & I passed him his present 😛😛
Was freaking nervous and worried again omg, and super conscious how I looked the whole time fml. Late as well how great :-)
Walked to One KM together and we ate dinner together. Friends, he was wearing white and black so cute omg like white top and black pants ✨✨✨
okay la, but kind of expected because he went for interview mah hahaha. I was looking like some lost kid outside the station because I was turning rounds omg. We walked there and we were taking so many rounds inside the mall because loser jieai couldn't find her directions what even
Passed him his present and he thought I gave him my jacket too, and I was like omg no!! But he said he don't mind the jacket, because it's my jacket and I'm just like, my dear Alan 🌚🌚

Oh ya, chuken called me halfway through and he asked me about the receipts and council work, and I was explaining everything to him omg freak and he was beside me the whole time omg. Hahaha, first question was, 'am I disturbing anything' so funny please 😂 but it's okay I know it was something important la don't worry :)

Dinner was okay because we ate and talked. It was really nice because idk why, convo with him is not very awkward and then I can actually feel something when I talked to him. And freak, the more we engage in a convo, I realised the greater the distance we have among us sigh this's real friends. He was in SAP, SAP PRESIDENT WHAT EVEN FRIENDS
From hatp, to sap to A level results to right now, going for scholarship interview, what a great path friends :-))))))))
Thought he was going to buy me dinner lmao, but thank god he didn't because quite scared he will do that. And then like afterwards we went for ice cream also omg. Ice cream was impromptu I swear. But omg, freak we went for ice cream and I was so happy omg ICE CREAM OMG 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
We ate the same thing and omg, I realised he's actually quite blur and dense in terms of relationship stuff but then fml, anything comes to me, or anything about me, he's freaking sharp about it.
More finding out about each other & I asked him how was his interview. Idk why, I really love it when we talked about each other stuff to each other. Like I can somehow feel some connection and satisfaction from it. I always feel oddly fulfilling after being able to find out more about each other :)
lmao friends I was so done with him 🌚🌚 He took a candid photo of me again genius I swear, like he legit has the tendency to do that kind of thing. I was looking at my phone and then he just took a photo of me like that. And then, he was like, 'yes success!'. Initially I didn't get it, then I realised what he did, I laughed again and omg he was embarrassed again I swear. He showed me the photo but okay la, I looked somewhat alright so hahaha ☺️😛☺️😛
Exchanged shoe sizes because we are all random kids la hahaha

While going up the escalator, he took another candid shot and yeah, I completely have no idea what I was doing la wth. Doing what I'm doing at best----- zoning out and being blur af :)

After dinner, ICE CREAM 😍 he asked me to pick the suggestion because since he suggested for dinner already. I went for some simple place for ice cream and he paid for both ice cream too ☺️☺️
Freak, he cheesy af I cannot. I was snapchat-ing and I caption, 'ice cream will always be the love of my life' and I kind of didn't realise he was behind me I swear omg. I turned around, and I saw him right behind me AND FREAK WE WERE SO CLOSE (I didn't realise until now what even)
I was like, 'what were you doing' and then he said, 'I thought the caption was ice cream with the love of my life' and I was like, OMG ALAN HAHAHAHA
And then later, we were talking about our living estate and right, he lived in a freaking big house omg. 3 bedrooms BUT with staircase, what genius omg 🤗🤗 and he keep on asking me, if I wanna go to his house once and I'm just like, my dear you a bit fast A BIT ONLY 🌚🌚
And also, talked about ns also, and he kept on saying about wanting to look more buff, to look better in clothes and tee (I maybe wrong, but he has some unexplained intentions when he tell me all that) and also to look intimated. And yeah, poor him unable to come home for two weeks :( and then connection sucks there. Ippt got a silver 🤗
And yeah, at least he is able to bring his phone along so yeah, I was really going to say that, he can still have some connections with the world but he just said, 'yeah I can text/reply you' and I'm just like 🤗🌚
And I love how we can always talk about Lena 🙌 and geography, and he's really actually very ambitious and competitive omg. But I think it's the good kind bah. Like you're striving to do well and then there's a me :-) and he will be upset over 2 marks that he didn't get to push him from a 68 to a 70, and of course there's a me :-)
And he's actually even more upset because he does so well in chem and always getting an A, and he even took up tuition to learn more so that he will have a competition edge over the others and of course, there's always a me :-))))
But I understand that he takes pride in whatever he does and he takes the responsibility as well. He doesn't go the shortcut but I guess when all damn efforts are put in, but the results don't reflect the proportionate hardwork, it just sucks altogether so yeah :-(

Okay, one thing is both during dinner, ice cream or even walking, it can be suddenly quiet and then both parties will end up not talking and we will look around, use phone and stare up/down/blank space. Or, he will just randomly looked at me and give me a super unexplained smile 🙊🙊
And then, I just feel that I have to kind of somewhat continuously initiated the convo though....and then he a bit 木纳 la omg.....Wah, I gg alre seriously....

On the way back, OMG FRIENDS
He asked me if I ever have a Boyfriend and I asked what do he think then. He felt that I dated before. And he admitted he dated before (wtf I had a slight disappointment?? and I was shocked too!!!) and he was so surprised when I said I never dated before and i gave him the feel that I dated before what even. (He better be damn honoured please, he MIGHT be able to be my first boyfriend)
And yeah, I'm good-looking and then, it's surprising I never date before. But, there're guys that confessed to me but yeah, of course I rejected them la wth. He complimented I'm good, and I did a good job

He insisted of sending me home how great :-) and yeah, we legit went home together omg. Like we took the bus together and then we alighted together as well. Oh, and we took selfie on the bus hahah, so bad like wth I look so bad I cannot. Totally forbidden to post that shit I swear omg. He walked me home also, and then we finally parted ways just one road away from my block :)
Idk why, I have no idea why I did that too, I just hugged him though, prior to that I kind of wanna do something to him but I wasn't sure, but I genuinely have no idea why, I just stretched out my hand and gave him a hug, just like that. After I hugged him, I took my jacket and ran back home hahah ☺️☺️

Idk why, the 2 hours we spent together was rather and oddly alright and idk why, it definitely don't feel like a date I swear. It feels like another meet up omg. And hey, it was fun okay. I ended up being hyper and super smiley also the whole time :)))
But oh well, it was a rather a good time spent.
And yeah, I ended the day well with him ☺️☺️

So many more things are going to happen between us right now, but like what I said before, there's no turning back. It's all about, taking one step at a time, enjoy each other's company and eventually find out, if he/she is suitable for each other :)

Happy 19th, Alan! 💙
'Time flies when you're having fun'


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