Saturday, March 19, 2016

160318 ;


damn cute wth so stupidly cute fml seriously jieai suck right now fml fml fml fml fml

nalan needs to stop and jieai needs to maintain. Omg thankfully hold back a lot (or at least how I feel????) fml the entire day cannot take it.

Morning; 10plus, we met at Starbucks. I arrived first and around 5 mins later, wth hahaha the moment he saw me he panic alre please, bc I reached first omg. He was damn scared when he saw me alre there seriously 😂 productive maths studying started and omg for 2 hours, we didn't talk at all????????? But it wasn't awkward omg, it was just quiet, and do your own shit friends hahaha :-)
Guys, he wore purple today omg 💜💜 heron cheerleading tee teehee oops 😛😛
And then later, some maths questions can't be solved and then sos lorh. He taught me inequalities & normal distribution. It became a tuition and tbh, sigh I hate the feeling of being tutored bc the memory was so bad back then in Raymond seriously so annoying. I hate how much I fear tuition right now. It's not even fair or right seriously omg. And then afterwards, it was continuing solving maths questions and then he gave me other practice questions as well.
But omg, productive because I revised maths (though not completely) and finally I got some stuff omg!!
And as and when, we talked abt life here and there. I made him watch return of superman. And omg he loves dogs and children, & I'm just like OMG AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ☺️☺️
Damn funny because he's damn obvious when he tried to take photos of me (I caught it friends) he was so embarrassed that was so funny omg 😂
And then guys, omg you will never believe it. I guessed his password omg. It's so unbelievable I swear like omg. Like I was just going to take his phone and then he was suddenly super protective over it. Then I was suspicious lorh. So I asked is his passwords his birthday, he said no & then he just passed me his phone alre. So I just tried luh, is it. Then yeap, it's not his birthday. And then I tried something else; yes friends, it unlocked and I'm just like omfg & okay, I'm going to pretend I don't know and then oops, he realised I unlocked his phone alre omg he was so embarrassed I swear 😂😂 it was so funny but then I kept on laughing luh, but omg maybe bc it was 30-40% guess? Like I swear it was all just gut feelings omg I swear.
And then actually he was damn nice la wth. But oh well, he was damn shy la, but then he was also very serious omg. Today was honestly surprisingly oddly comfortable & crazy. He had fun watching me going crazy la oh well. I feel bad though ): like he's worried abt me and then there's a me, unable to pick myself up seriously life sucks. The difference between us two is already so huge and then it's like I'm still not making an effort so sigh, I really don't want to disappoint him this way omg :( I'm sorry omg, I also really hope that things will get better sigh pie.
Another funny thing was we started asking abt each  other's past and then, it was interesting because it became a common understanding of how much we know each other and 'how you know' is a stupid question already because some stuff are self-explanatory, like it just happened that we know it seriously fml HAHAHAHA
We shared abt so many stuff the entire day today omg, so rewarding for a get-to-know session hahahah ☺️☺️
Then lmao, 350, I made him take a walk around the place & then initially, he didn't wanted to do it but then I kind of pleaded him so he did. He didn't wanted to go bc I didn't gave him a reason of why I want him to go away. Tbh, I don't know too. I think it was just all the feelings in me and I want them to take a break that's all. I was also damn tired and brain fried alre tbh sigh. Headache now also urgh.
And yeah, by that time I somehow gave up studying alre so we left Starbucks at 4plus.
Hahaha, I told him can we talk abt life instead, and he suggested going up, and I completely forgotten there was a rooftop omy. Shit. That place has so many memories omg ðŸ˜ĒðŸ˜Ē
Random face of nalan; he's 1.8 omg ......
Omg friends he met 3/5 of my ideal type and I internally cannot believe it. It's like I can never thought I would find anyone close to ideal type's like so unbelievable. And then like the other two, he's tbh quite close omg....
Intelligent & smart idiot
Financial stable
I feel protected & secure when I'm with him
I'm legit going to break down right now omg bc it's like how is it possible omg so unbelievable I swear omg like how...., how??

Went up to rooftop & 2 hours of h2h session. So random please. But so rewarding omg :') so impromptu & so unexpected. And then we shared abt each of our story. Guys, I realised he's honestly damn mature for his age & it's like, everything he said he's so sincere abt it omg... He wants to grow up quickly and then have his own family omg... And I was just like wow, that's so unexpected coming from him..... And he loves kids and dogs. And I just feel so completed suddenly ahahaha
We shared abt orientation, council (asked him abt farewell assembly & prom lmao), track & field, mutual friends, studies, families, how he viewed me & what he see in me (then just came along please, I just had to know omg), exchanged ic too what even
æīŠéŠ˜č‰Ŋ (yay!!!!), past life (sec sch & pri sch), ns, our future too, where we live, he asked abt Joel friends 😂, I died, and I had to show him how he looks 🌚, my friends around me, chuken and zhonghng too, talked abt A level results & his expectations vs reality tbh, his clique, his class also, so uh a lot things tbh.
And while studying, we compared handwritings as well hahaha.
Hahaha, his answers omg. Everyone is going to probably die laughing at each and every statement or compliments he made lmao.

Dinner!!! He forced me to eat lorh, so yeah kind of expected. Didn't wanted to eat but he made me buy food luh. Bought fishball soup but gave half of my fishball away omg... Wah, that boy seriously. He ate my fishball when he don't like fishball omg like he could have told me omg, then I felt so bad seriously it's like I forced him to ate stuff that he don't like, and I was like, why you no ask & then he just said, cause you give me mah, so I just eat lorh & I'm just like that boy....
Freak that boy seriously, I was so uncomfortable so I did a lot of weird stuff, and that includes playing with a fishball with my mouth, and then he saw and he stoned. And I was just like shit, bc I did it unknowingly la wth. Then he wanted to take a photo friends....I was like no way am I going to do it seriously not fair I swear... And then yeah, I did it again fml. He saw it again. But thank god, I was fast enough omg then hahah, he didn't take. But he kind of take photo of me, mouth with fishball and with a cheese sign. Guys, he was the only one that thinks it's cute please omy shit la hahahah
And friends, we talked abt religions. Freak I was so proud of us two i wear. It's like I felt that this's so unbelievable and then this's so surreal omg I cannot. And then I expressed my concern and stuff. And we were able to shared some personal stuff regarding religions.
So yeah, and then like he asked me when my SA end, and it's Good Friday & then that's Easter Day. lmao nalan, he said that it's optional and it doesn't matter if he's going or not then he asked if I wanna go out and play and I'm just like, omg nalan hahahah

Okay while going home, he insisted of following me up to wait for the train & then you could actually sense that there was this unexplained slight sorry and pithiness in it. He wished for the train to break down oh god.. But I think he decided to go home bc I was nauseous & uncomfortable & feel like puking & sick the entire day... Plus he wants me to go home and study so yeah... Tbh, he don't want go home omg... And like on the platform, it was so uncomfortable bc there were so many people & air was stuffy af. We waited together near the gate and then both of you ain't talking anymore omg, suddenly. Both of us started looking far, staring at reflections & drawing circles with our feet that kind of thing hahah. I was okay la, but it was him tbh. And like wah, his parents came to pick him up, he sounded so disappointed please and I'm just like, Alan please hahaha. We spent a bit more time talking on the platform and this stupid uneasy feeling keep on going in me and I'm just like, body you need to get a grip I swear. And we finally sat down freak. Omg, so I first found the seat so I plotted myself down, and the freak he HAD TO OMG, he just had to sat directly beside me, do you know how close we sat I swear. We just haven't stick to each other please. I got a shock okay. Like omg suddenly he was so close to me because the entire day we somehow or another we kept a distance away from each other and then bang, suddenly he was just beside me and I'm just like life's great 🌚🌚
We talked more abt Sec sch, and omg he's really wary abt how I view him I swear. I could be smiling and now saying anything but then he had to clarify himself omg. It's like, he said he was from Basketball in Pri sch and then he had to add, 'see not bad right, not bad right. I'm not as gay haha' and I'm just like, my dear I haven't even say anything please. I was just going to say, oh okay okay, like acknowledgment omg. Don't worry seriously you worry too much alre la wth 😂😂 and well, we compared Palm size 🌚 lame af I swear. But omg, I was secretly happy bc I wanted to compare our hand size since afternoon and then he suggested it yay!!!!!! AND FREAK, omg my hand is so small compared to him please. Like my middle finger is only half of his middle finger omg please. And hey, it's like my hand is quite big for a girl alre please and don't really like that fact alre but omg his hand hue hue hue, and yeah, he does a bit of housework. Today ended rather well really, he looked so obviously disappointed please after I had to go I swear. He legit wants the train to break down please. And omg, I was feeling so uncomfortable that he even wanted to give me cab fare to cab home I swear.

And we texted when I reach home & I thanked him for the great day today :) and freak guys, I finally found why he was able to know so much abt me bc like Lau Kang posted this photo with me and then all our personal informations were revealed. Omg so stupid I swear friends I cannot believe it and then like everything is so readily available lmao, and guys that was actually the very first time Alan actually sees me. And we talked abt track & field meet, and I was at heron a lot and yeah, he was sitting directly above me omg and duh, of course I didn't notice him la fml.
Alan is really one amazing person & it's like what I find him really great is he's very motivated and focused. He knows what he wants in his life and he works towards it. I just feel like he honestly deserved more because he's not someone that believe in luck, because he believes more in hardwork and efforts, and he goes the extra mile & he's always willing to do it. So that's why I find it amazing about him, really.
And please get to ocs omg really really !!! You need to stop having more disappointment in your life seriously.
And really, thanks for today :) it was unexpectedly fun & productive, and hahah, you're great really great okay. Like in just your way, you're great and you're still shinning really brightly already. And MAYBE MAYBE, I MIGHT like you eventually? Cause I feel that you're really worth it :)

'Thankful for you, thank you for seeing the good in me that I thought I never will'


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