Monday, April 11, 2016

A rather sad week .....

Mon; nothing much as well but go home gang 2.0 was the true right end to the tiring day. They stayed and waited for me to complete my work & we spent one hour catching up omg it was so fun omg, go home gang is true I love them so much πŸ™†πŸ™†
Got back my papers too, chinese & yeah I got a good 47/100 for it much wow isn't it πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
But in the night, omg mum was being mum (annoying omg) and then yeah I was just so done throughout the night what even la omg 😢😢😢😢

Tues; econs lesson was so shit wth I cannot friends.
Like she spent w good half an hour just going on abt procrastination, econs underperformed, start now and all la. Entire class atmosphere was so tense and serious freak man omg.
Got back geo paper and it was a great 26/51 isn't that amazing πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
And freaking Justin Han is another pain in the neck. Completely blatantly ignored him during break and when I saw him after sch again, I literally just turned the other direction and walked away because no way am I going to answer that question of yours & even though you probably know alre, i still don't want to be associated with you because you're one piece of shit yourself :-) HAHAHAHAHA
Study session with Joel eventually became catchup session, which is freaking productive omg hahah. Told him one of the deepest shit in me lmao but oh well, it was so dark at the start but it was just all laughing towards the end omg :')
And we also talked abt nalan sigh, I was so affected abt nalan wth omy ........
πŸ‡πŸ‡: so yeah he texted me telling me that he wanna tell me something, but I can't get angry about it.... Okay, when I saw that, I internally panicked and I started worrying because I legit thought something bad happened or he did something I disapproved lmao. Freaking hell, I told him tell me first but I can't promise I won't get angry hahaha. And then it was, I wanna tell you....I really miss you ☺️☺️ when I saw that, I immediately just off my phone and didn't bother replying him until the day ends omg. Because I was genuinely scared and worried but turn out it was something like that... And actually, I can't blame him either because it all just boil down to bad timing that's all oh well....

Wed; finally decided to write because was so lazy to write about the past two days lmao. Was just plain tired and sleepy the entire day, and freaking he'll still have 3 essays that await me at home omg πŸ™„πŸ™„
& today is maths paper day, and I set a new record of 31/60 how wonderful right πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ
and today, tonight is d-1, I'm left with less than 24 hours omg and
probably a bit more than 12 hours oh well...
Wanted to at least see me for a while before the day ends today but oh well, timing couldn't match so it wasn't be able to succeed meeting hahah. Feeling rather odd right now & i can't explained this feeling in me right now either. It's just strange, and more strange. But, it's just 2 weeks, before I knew it, it will fly past please wth.
Anyway, on a brighter note, so proud of us two, jeevan and I, because we completed all the logs for camp (day2 and night challenge) within an hour and slightly more !! ☺️☺️ omg, orientation really trained us so well that we are so efficient omg 😒😒😒 and we also completed all the logs buying tonight omg!!!!!! legit, we are true great working partners ☺️☺️☺️ we always look out and checking up on each other and we legit compliment each other so well that I'm genuinely so impressed la omg ✨✨✨✨✨
d-2 to camp, d-1 to him going off

Thurs; fml worst day ever seriously urgh. Got a fucking U for geo & today is d-day as well urgh ......
I'm not saying I'm sad or what, it's just one odd feeling that's all oh well.....2 weeks will be gone soon anyway please.
PE was bad also seriously urgh like wth, I went from freaking unfit to extremely fucking unfit oh dear god seriously fuck my life omg.
Entire day was just plain dark and sian??? And I went from sian to fuck my my fucking life omfg, U for geo how unbelievable seriously omg. and ptm is next week how great friends :-) and I'm so excited right now woohoo πŸ€—πŸ€—
But quite happy I got 26 for my essay this time round, and yeah I passed GP as a whole urgh fuck la, everything is just wrong and bad about today seriously πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸŒ΅πŸŒ΅πŸŒ΅

Fri-Sun; council camp, will be updated on another page so stay tuned! 😊😊

'Sadder days are a reminder for the happier days to come'


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