Wednesday, August 12, 2015

econs burden urgh

So disappointed omg. I am so disappointed at myself and basically my performance.
Why can't i do it omg? I tried so hard and omg i just felt that i put in sufficient amount of efforts omg? urgh and why is it not working?
econs was so disappointing omg. it wasn't like i didn't study or i gave up. No, i studied to the end and i just felt that at least i should be given the chance to at least show what i can achieve omg :( this is not like some other random test, omg i even performed better during non-graded tests smh. i am so disappointed. omg why is it like that sigh. 
This is not about knowing how to do or not, it is more of i lost track of myself and i genuinely hate that so much urgh. 
okay, i need to get over this shit soon so that i can focus on the others. But sigh, i am so annoyed and i just felt that it was all a waste and i am actually not trying hard enough to prove my worth. omg this is worse that not understanding the question nor writing the wrong shit. It is you know your stuff, but you didn't get them onto the papers. urgh so disappointing, so depressing and i get to get away from this.
headache is back too dammit
econs, 5%, i blew it all away okay bye


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