Sunday, April 17, 2016

Thankful & Disgusted

Mon-Tues; honestly don't want to mention much already because it was just me real unhappy and that i just was so disturbed and all wow, and i think it was the day i found out i got a U for econs :)
And then i am now in econs mentoring programme and star oh well. 
I was so unhappy and seriously i just hated life so much urgh okay no more comments seriously, i am losing myself already

Wed; zootopia 🐰🦁🐯🐷🐘🐑🐤🐦🐻🐮🐭
Omg it was a good movie seriously but then kind of predicted most of the scenes so the excitement was reduced but yeah, love the move really ☺☺️ 
And first time this week I'm going home alone lmao, but actually this's what happened when I goes for council outing will just somehow I will end up being the last person and all & idk like, it will be oddly quiet and then I don't really have a specific person to hang out with but I'm just everywhere oh well.....
Though it wasn't intentional, still felt bad that I screamed but sigh, it was all natural reflex and I really got a shocked...omg sorry friends, I didn't meant it 😥😢😢 
Love the fox a lot really, like really love his character & his words & his attitude omg 🐾🐾 love Nicholas so much omg what an adorable character omg ☺☺
And extra; Judy's eyes was purple 💜💜
And actually, love the moral that they were addressing, no matter who you are we can all live harmoniously together ✨✨ and never fear FEAR 💖💖 and let's start everything with you, yourself ☺☺
And wow, I really love the movie so much omg.
Oh and the sloth is a highlight seriously 😂 and the name was Flash just makes everything so much funnier seriously and how slow the sloth was going on wow 😌😌 
The friendship, platonic friendship is so true and real between Judy and Nicholas wow love it so much omg ✨✨✨fav scene was probably when he was holding onto her when she was injured and then they fooled the sheep mayor lmao HAHAHAHA
This movie was well-written in the sense that many details were taken into account & I love how they put so much efforts into all the graphics as well, despite some probably only appeared for about 1-2 seconds omg. Storyline is quite original too so 🌟🌟
And it was less awkward then before already seriously, hahah but still la I'm still rather quiet so yeah... Probably something that cant be changed anymore since we are all stepping down already oh well but hey, thanks for the good memory friends 🐰🐰 zootopia was really worthy of the time & me risking my life as well hahah 
Okay thanks for the good times friends 🐰🐰🐰

Thurs; honestly a great day, like though it was long and strenuous, but thankful that the day ended on a really nice note :')))
In the morning, completed half of napfa-2.4km, sit-up, pull-up 
super happy omy, like despite not running for ten thousand years, I was still able to pass omy and the best part was, I didn't have any proper training prior to my running beforehand and I still made it before the passing mark for C, wow I'm so happy omg. And yeah, with all the will power I have I can do it and I really need to believe I can do it, and yes work freaking hard from now onwards seriously 💪💪💪 
Then,  2.5hours of Lena & 2.5hours of Delphine, how great woohoo 🙃🙃 but omg, I survived through all 😌😌 wow, that's like so much of them in just a day, but tbh Lena lecture should be 1.5h though, because I feel that at least the day will get by faster oh well...but yeah, it was alright and I braved through them all omg 👏👏 oh and star was actually not as bad as I thought (though it's freaking all the way until 6 save me please) it was for the very first time Delphine speak so slow in class, and literally after every single para, she gave us time to process the thoughts and then kept on asking if we understood and all. And it was for the first time, I could stone in econs class omy. But sadly, it wasn't something new so I felt a bit useless so I planned to go for time management class next week so yeah training my damn writing speed because it's freaking too slow and urgh, I just can't complete my essay on time omg 🙄😢 
Night study was just 😍😍😘😘 it was Joel's mum in charge so she sponsored the food, and omg, the food is literally ONE WHOLE BIG BOMB????? 
And yeah, of course Joel got special food seriously like omg, one whole big plate of kimbap FREAK OMG ✨✨✨ and I was just so excited seriously stuffing myself with all the food, with the company of go home gang 2.0 and it was for the first time that week full attendance omg ✨🚀✨🚀✨ go home gang + good food = something that I could ever asked for seriously ☺☺️ so thankful for Joel and his mum sigh 🙆🙆🙆 
And after completing rich homework with jeevan, it ended up a super impromptu session of heart-to-heart and then he told me some stuff and I told him about nic and me & the s06 guy (omg I still can't remb his name bless me seriously) it was for the very first time, we had a proper and true heart-to-heart and bonding session omg it was surprising and so thankful for it really 💜🎾💙🐶 definitely got closer omg 🙆🙆 
Though I ended up not doing any work the entire day after lessons because I went home and ate and slept, but it was a true fruitful day with all the events that happened so yeah ☺☺☺️  

Fri; was supposed to be done with running for the rest of my life and guess who was thrown into running for heats and I ended up had to run 4x200m wow 🙂🙂🙂 and I was wanted to run second but omg suddenly I was being thrown to running first?? How great friends, but omg everyone said that I was running super fast and all hahaha, I don't know man i was just running that's all but hey it was something nice so 😊😊😊 
And then chinese lesson was alright, and freak I got a B for my essay and I was so shocked because I thought I was going to fail it wth I was so shocked omg, and I swear this was my face 😳😳 and freak, laoshi wrote a jiayou at the end and honestly, I never felt so thankful before and I thought I was going to cry omg 😢😢 
And then afterwards was some odd Chi essay writing competition and I died because I submitted the worst essay of my life omg gg and highlight of the day comes along friends ✨✨✨
Oh, and something light-hearted, when Brandon asked in the council group was there the plaque thing there, at that point of time it was only jeevan and I that replied and we replied at the same time omg 😂☺️ welfare pride guys ☄☄ so yes, only we know what's inside of that room seriously omg 
We spent quite a hour plus, stacking the stuff, organising the items, cleaning up the disgusting things and all, putting away all the stuff and setting up the place right again. And, yes I painted our balls also 💜🎾💙 so pretty and cute omg ☺☺️ can't wait to finish it up and then yes, I'm going to make sure that he's able to hang on his bag and omg welfare pride hahaha 🙆🙆 
A bit of pity when I forgotten to take a photo of the before and after council room, and freak mama came already and then I had to rush off sigh 😢😢 so unable to take a good and proper look before leaving omg wasted la wth but it's okay la will take a photo soon and hopefully, I can take a photo of my beloved council room before I officially stepped down and passed the room to the juniors omg....
Oh and omg, jeevan was so sweet omg ☺☺️ he gave me a present and a card to thank me all the efforts that I have put into welfare and everything else. Tbh, I'm really doing it because I feel that we shouldn't be working as one individual and that it's only right for us to extend our help to those that need it and all. I'm really doing it because I feel that it should be that way yay. And yes, everything was purple so it makes me extra happy and the gift extra special omy 💜💜💜 it was a super thoughtful gift omg I was genuinely surprised and really elated because I definitely wasn't expecting that and then it makes me felt that all the hardwork and all the efforts that I have put in are being appreciated and i am just so thankful about everything that happened, really :") 
I was giggling non-stop at ikea and defintely being judged so badly oh well but yes, fri was probably one of the best days i could ever asked for :)
screw lena, no fucking soul needs you in their life seriously omg.

Sat; honestly those few days were way too good to be true, especially fri. I was just so happy, and towards the week i was being showered with so much love and all and i knew that all damn bad happenings are coming to me. 
And of course, i am never wrong :-) ptm was full of shit and seriously, no one say that the feedback were useless and all and the fact that me and mama broke down together is just plain embarrassing and wtf seriously, and in front of all people lena omg save me please. I hate ptm for a reason, and i predicted my session to be half an hour and above, it was at least half an hour and fml, it became a 45min session and omg why do i knew everything that is coming seriously. And wow we ended because we have reached the timing, and seriously i cannot imagine if we didn't have a deadline wow urgh. And i hate ptm so much because i hate what happened during ptm and then it is so annoying because i don't like ptm like this what the freaking hell seriously omg. And oh ya, i got no more phone from now onwards and of course, i knew that was coming too oh well :) 
I hate it because we have just shown our weak side to lena and i am just like what the fuck seriously i am so fucking done with everything like this and i am not kidding about it omg. 
urgh i hate ptm but i hate lena here so much fuck la seriously omg
And no bitch, i won't even wanna talk to you so of course, i won't have a reason to be disrespectful to you :-)
The entire day was just plain shit and seriously lost count of the amount of times i am crying or tearing already. It is just way too much omg, i just so unhappy about their entire situation. i don't like it. i hate it. i am so disgusted by it wtf seriously omg
how the fuck am i going back on school on mon seriously, i am so disturbed at that fact omg
And then it was just so bad the entire day, everything ain't just right la wth urgh
omg, this needs to be stop and i don't need anymore of lena or delphine in my life, i am so done with them all already seriously so disturbing on so many levels omg seriously 

So much work and it is going to even more painful from right now onwards, especially i don't have my phone from now onwards. I can't update my blog as often as possible and urgh, i knew everything was too good to be true especially when i am able to access all social network in school wow seriously omg 
urgh, i cannot wait to brace through these six more months and i am going to be so done with everything, and seriously other than results day, i am not going to see lena anymore for the rest of my life 

'Go on with the end in my mind, and then i cannot wait for everything to be over omg. Watch me, i am going to brave through everything.'


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