Friday, January 1, 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

Today, in less than 3 hours, we are going to bid farewell to 2015 and embrace 2016.
This year, everything happened way too quickly, way way too quickly. 
Many many things happened since the start of the year and many many feelings and emotions i had went through this entire year too. 
This year, is probably one of my life-changing year. I have grown a lot a lot since the start of 2015 and and learnt many many things as well, both about people and about life :)
It has been one amazing and one extraordinary year. Honestly, all the various expereiences and ten thousands mixed feelings i have, i won't ask for any otherwise. Everything has been just great, perfectly great for me and i just feel that, it is way too hard for me to just give them all up. No way, no way am i exchanging or trading all these extraordinarys i have with anything else. Each and everyone of them have been too too precious to me. They are all the different milestones and witnesses to my amazing 2015 and who i am today, who i am right now. 
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart of all these times i had spent and all the efforts that was put into all these. 

January; it was another great month of post o-levels and i was still enjoying myself so so much, continuing from nov and dec'14. Results came back and i was devasted for a week before i got through it and told myself to make the best out of the remainig holidays and enjoy whatever that is remaining. I binge watch dramas even more, knowing that i will stop drama-ing when school starts. And when i was finally posted to tpjc at the end of the month, it was expected but when it was really right there in my face, i refused to accept the fact and went to submit my appeal to srjc. 

February; Orientation at tpjc officially commence, and despite all the fun and enjoyment i had during orientation, i was still waiting for the call from srjc, being really really patient and continue to be hopeful even though the chances are getting lower and lower by each day. Depsite that, orienation was really fun with my really really awesome og mates and i am truly thankful for them because of the wonderful memories they gave me when i was feeling super super down. They provided me all the joyful times that i could look back and be thankful over and over again. And i would say, they kick start my tpjc journey really really well :)
And how could i forget on the second day of orientation, i found my vitamin & i vow to come school everyday to see my vitamin and take my medicine everyday teehee :3
And finally, when orientation is over, official lessons commence and we were all distributed into our classes based on our subject combi. Me, jessa and pingxin were in the same class and we were just super excited because thank god there were more than one of us from the same og in the same class :)
First time meeting lena koh, i just felt that everything is wrong about her and she is just way too unbelieveilable unexplainable i would say?? Idk why, everything that i did that day happened to be wrong and it just felt so omg???
Still remb i was putting my arms around jessa and she called me over and say that there shouldn't be any physical contact and she said it looks really weird and inappropriate to the visitors when coming to our school?? I was just beyond words and went like what even omg. 
And then we went to have lessons in the various locations but still went together as one og because we were just close like that teehee :)
CCA selection also commence and i picked council but i had so many advices and talkings to me saying that council has many many work and that it will be very hard to balance myself and etc. And oh ya, i applied for pre-u sem too, all because that rose asked us to do it. 
But thank god, i braced through all of that and followed my heart and decide to try for council instead. Ming got the guess at first try effortlessly and i still remb that at that point, zhengwei was a rather supportive senior as he talked to me about my results and he advised me here and there regarding my academics and cca and people. Can't believe how things turned out now...

March; interview for both council and pre-u sem happened to be on the same day and i didn't know about it because i didn't have wifi/data at that point of time so i was unable to check and thus, i didn't know anything about it and i still remb that the teachers called and asked me if i was still coming for the interview lmao hahahah. Went through both and thankfully both were alright and i would say that during my pre-u sem interview, i was better :) And then it was council campaign. Both group and individual campaign. We were the first group to went up for stage campaign & powerpuffgirls squad will be one of the best memories i have this year omg :') We went through a lot together and had so much fun as well as a group of 5. Aloyius left and it was replaced with my very own, telepathic buddy now, Loh Chu Ken. And this marked, the amazing and most unexpected friendship i had this year teehee. And all the same old thing over about our campaign period and oh ya, pre-u sem then kicked start with our very first workshop of the year. 
Oh, and also met up with Ming finally at her school's festival teehee and project ohana for our class but there is still this famous saying that ohana is supposed to make the class more bonded and get to know one another better but actually, no after ohana, the clique got even more distinct and now the class is officially split into two sides oh well. 
April; finally the campaign period is over and yes, i got into council super thankful for that friends :') qistina didn't get in and our group 4 was only left with 4 members, and we have two that became exco. Council camp came along and we went through another mad rush of everything i did before during guides camp but i couldn't believe it, it was less strenuous and i would say the games were not bad too teehee :3 
And then the exco were announced and chuken become the head of sb :) Initially, the pr head was weeshyan but he was eventually kicked out of council and hence, dora replaced him. 
Oh, and it was the submission month for pw first stage, pi. I went through a lot a lot because of that minor 5% and he even questioned was i able to cope both or not which left me really devastated over everything and i just had to do everything i can but still, the final work was still really really bad sigh. 

May; investiture came along together with our v50 project for pre-u sem. Prior to that, we met up for an interview with our targeted client and then we somewhat got our project idea out. We submitted our proposal as well and i would say it was one hell crazy month because it was also the SA month. They were so many things happening in that month and everyday passed by super quickly because everyone just trying to catch up with studies and then before we knew it, it ended and investiture was in our face and finally, we concluded the month with track & field day and hot concert, and yes, this officially commence the start of june holidays as well. 
Btw, kaihon was still my vitamin at that point of time and i was still chasing behind me like the crazy fan hahahah
And yes, track and field day, first time nalaaaaaaan noticed me in school.

June; school holidays but who said it was all fun and nothing else. Everything happened way too quickly okay. I didn't attend academic week on the first week of june because of pre-u sem and i was so so thankful i signed up for that because it was one of the best lifetime experiences i could ever had plus a super relaxing and super chilled holiday away from all the stupid people i ever need in life. It was just so fun and i was super free too btw hahahah. Came back met up with some friends, attended extra lessons, more pw along the way and complete some work as well. I would say, this holiday was packed with many many events but it was one super fruitful one as well :)

July; semester 2 commenced and finally my favouite month hahahah. Yes, it is my birthday month woohoo. Nothing much out of the extraordinary and tbh, we were all rather panicky because of the upcoming ltc that was happening at the end of the month. Met up with poop too on hari raya because i requested as my birthday wish. Oh ya, sg50km run lmao that threw the entire council in shock and everyone was just protesting why do we have to run hahahahah and every week i had to walk 5/10km just to clear them all omg.... And 24/7, another best day of my life because all the wonderful and super sweet celebrations i had teehee, once again thank you all for the wishes i recevied. Then, urgh hell day came along give me one whole week of non-stop cringing and i went on a super super bad week, and was dreading ltc so so much and i even wanted to submit mc and just don't go for camp anymore omg. And i was praying so hard but what even, after all that luck, we were placed in the same group and i was forced to interact with me for 3 days urgh omg. But it was a blessing in disguise becasue or else i will still be running away omg but oh well, my favourite month ended this way smh...

August; preparation for CA and it was also sg50 national day and we had a five day holidays but what rubbish because i spent all on studying omg sigh.... And then the remaining month of just spent on studying and preparing for CA. And amongst all that, it was also eom submission and i received my very first compllimnt for the very first time for pw, it thought i was going to break down at that point oh god. 

September; teachers' day celebration and we went through so much together as one council and finally we performed as one and showcase that we are able to grow as one :') This also commence the start of sept holidays and yes, i coped myself in the house for 5 days straight not leaving house a bit and i thought i was going to die and didn't even realised it until sun, one more day before school what even friends. And oh ya, i also kind of fell out with zhengwei and i went through a super emotional period as well. And the remaining days, it was all spent on studying and more studying just to hoping that i am able to do well for promos and get promoted to the second year. And when exams ended, the month concluded as well. 
And yes, sept was the quickest month i ever had in the entire 2015. 

October; and when now promos has ended, it is time for full drill pw. And because we have been constantly working on our pw, the month passed by rather alright for us and i spent much much time slacking around and lmao, first two weeks were two crazy weeks and because finally, i am taking charge for farewell assembly teehee :3 it was one crazy experience and yes i will never trade this experience for anything else :') teehee 
And then finally, we are able to finalise our wr and eventually our op day came along but the day before op, we were threw into one huge drama and i genuinely thought we would be so screwed for pw omg. 

November; and with the closure of op and finally the last submission of i&r, the last document for pw and then the entire proposal for all our individual components, we officially bid farewell to the end of pw teehee :3 
And when pw is over, it is now time to receive our promos results. Results day came along and thankfully, i passed every single subject and YES I WAS PROMOTED TO THE SECOND YEAR YAYYY
And when results are over, we receive our results slip and commenced our academics for the next two weeks. Lessons were stupid and super boring and omg and when it was all finally over, the month has ended and finally, WE ARE ABLE TO SAY HELLO TO OUR HOLIDAYS YAYYYYYYY
And we started our ogl briefing and had our very first fm together and concluded the month with restrung concert :)

December; and finally here is the last month of 2015 :)
Holidays kicked start with prom, where i finally concluded my obsession with kaihon with a photo with him and then i finally found nalaaaaaaan heheheheh. Then was econs lesson and then it was all about getting ready for the most amazing thing and the last highlight of 2015. #AiloveAustralia finally took place after nine months of real agonising painful wait. Everything about aussie was beyond perfections and i can't even describe everything with words because i love each and every single part about aussie and yes, aussie was the best trip that i could ever asked for and i was just more than thankful for this more than amazing holiday :')
Continuation from the holiday, it was another crazy ride of events from wedding meals, to outings and really just more wonderful memories. 

Thankful for 2015, thankful for everything that happened. Thank you all so so much
Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016
Can't wait for another amazing year to begin :')

'2015 has been super amazing, let's make 2016 more than amazing'


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