Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I hate myself right now. I deserve it. I am no one to blame. I have nothing to say. It is all my own fault. Debrief sucks but i suck even more. I am a real disappointment. I can't do anything more. What is done is done. No way i can turn back time and change history. I can only wish for the best. I can only pray hard but i think it is pointless as well. No more looking back. It doesn't help. It will only make matters worse. I am at loss of my own route now. I have no idea which way to take now. I am lost. I wanna escape front this route but i don't think i can do it. Every path seemed so blur. I have no more choice. They are no more in my hand. I can only summoned up myself and face the music. And accept the fact and be ready what whatever lies ahead of me now. Each step looks real creeping. But i still need to put one foot after another and walked towards the final destination which awaits ny arrival. The road might be filled with disasters but i left with nothing. Just me all alone. I really have no idea what to do and totally speechless right now. But what can i say?

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