Thursday, May 10, 2012





:D (^~^) \^0^/

hahahahaha; sorry, a bit high now xD cause mye is finish and i am enjoying every min of my life before debrief >:) heheh; paiseh; 
shall share a bit abt my paper after hist first; it was a breeze and it was quite smooth cause i literally wrote down everything i remembered for SEQ, but after answers w/ Nelyn, i think i will get as well as i hope.__. but nvm, i think still can get a B, xP and one thing truly to celebrate was i did not study much abt chapter 2 but did some brief read and too think i knew wht to write for SEQ, so i was really super shocked and happy as i will not lose but maybe will help me to gain mark for that area (Y) #ilovemyself :D hahahah; and luckily, i know wht to write for SBQ, so one more accomplishment *clap clap clap* heheheh; and so after history, it was maths paper 1 and chinese  CL, chinese CL was really a joke cause the passage that were given was really damn fun and i had fun during it! XD *is it a good symptom? xP* hahahahahahahahahah; and later was maths paper, and sad to say, it was damn shitty and the performance was worse than paper 2, i think i am mad-,- should be paper 1 easy, and 2 hard, but i am totally opposite. .___. is it normal? i don't  think so sia-.- but i can't be bothered anymore, as long as i know my paper 2 is full of hope, i don't give a damn abt paper 1 le, 40 marks only, not like i will fail for maths right? =,= and finally, it is english oral and malay paper 2 and 3. Oral will a bit dumb, cause i was stumbling quite a lot and my vocab was also shit but i can't believe it, i had fun xD hahahah; the teacher was, idk(?) a new teacher, she was listening to me talk the whole time. heheheh; and i think i took a peek and i think i got 9 for reading :O hahah; i hope i did not see wrongly; xP heheheh; and for malay, i thought i could not do the written paper and i am gonna have a hard time racing w/ the god damn time, but surprisingly, i still got time to sleep (-.-*) and i no need to have my eyes rove around, hahah; and i am proud of my performance during it; (: and later, we had MLC @ 3 when it was supposed to be @ 3:30pm, cause we wanted it to end and finish and get over w/ it asap, again, it was really smooth-sailing and i must say, the cher got prob w/ com, the voice was loud and sharp at the start of the video, but at the back, you can't even hear anything .__. what is this man? #joke but nvm, it is now history, but i will just forgo it. (Y) #yayme; and so, i hereby commerce the start of the closing ceremony of MYE 2012; hahaha; 
Tmr is marking day, so another slacking day for me (Y) #awesome heheheh; mon will be my debrief, i will pray hard that not only i will every subject, but also no C at all; >.< especially eng; haish; i will pray really really really hard; *finger crossed* /so still not cannot make plans for Jun hols; TT^TT nvm; (: i will pass the test de! #jiayou
buaibuai for now.(: i will post abt my results(:
#examended :D

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