Thursday, May 17, 2012
started the science fest w/ physics aka falling egg. The egg must be thrown down from third floor and ensure that it is fully intacted, not even a scratch should be left on it. It must be fully perfect, like how it was when it was given to us. So, it is quite hard huh? My group which consists of me, LiMin, Jacq and CassKhoo were kinda like do what to make so we a bit blur but in th end, still came up w/ something but sadly, the egg still had a crack ): #sian but nvm, it is the learning experience, isn't it? (: Rating: 5/10
After that, we had biology aka DNA FingerPrinting. Was supposed to make some idk(?) liquids come out in order to trace the fingerprints out and finally identify the bodies. The process of coming out w/ the liquid was kinda cool and finally Jacq and Cass went to find the DNA and we finally accomplished the task! #yay :D Rating: 7/10
And lastly, it my favourite station of all. (: it is the place when we get to try out many different chemicals! (Y) hehehh; we have to try to get pure water fro the lake water in our school-,- and later, w/ different chemical, we get to see the different flame that it would create when the chemicals react w/ the flame. Damn cool! :D cause the color is damn nice! (^~^) hehehh; and finally, the last task which was chromatography! The colored ink that was dapped on the chalk ad when it spread, omg; I totally love it!! \^+^/ hehehh; it is real exciting :P Rating: 11/10 :D and lastly, the prize presentation and our class is the last third .__. Though sad but at least it the learning experience(: and it the end of the sec 2 science fest 2012. (:
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Was a trip filled w/ both happy, sad, boring, retarded and disturbing stuffs; but overall; i must say; many things were taught and i enjoyed myself a lot. (:
went to the park first and realised i was not there the first time and finally, being able to see all the weapons and coastal defences that were being taught and tested in school. Mr Tan also did explanations really well though of his accent that he used :P heheheh; and btw, there were some senior guides that were our tour guide that day and i must say, i was bored at first but at the end, we had become friends and they were real cool cause they really know their facts well and they were able to answer all our questions. So, i must say, you guys are pro *clap clap* (Y) btw, mine were the blue ones (what they called themselves) and the names are JiaYi and Abigail #yay :D heheheh;
After the park ,we went to the museum and i swear the museum was awesome! :3 and though the video was somewhat creepy; cause of the atmosphere that it created and maybe the sounds/voices but all in all, it was cool and Jacqueline also grabbed me cause she was scared. We held hands throughout the entire thingy and i was glad i was able to give someone i know a support and comfort (: #YAYME :D After the show, we went around the museum and the senior give us real explanations and descriptions of WW1 and i am not trying to against anyone but seriously i feel that, because of all the evil things that were done onto the others, the descendants of Japan are paying their debts for the ancestors. That explain the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear blast that happened one after another, causing many deaths. I guess, you reap what you sow and karma will take place when you committed wrongdoings, huh? anyway, learnt a lot abt the Malay Regiment during the war and me shall quote a phrase that was in the video; "because of them fighting gallantly and fearless during the war, we are able to enjoy the peace that we have now" Later, we had to look around on the bottom floor and finally, it was time to return school! :D #YAY and after another half an hour of waitng and went for some dumb art appreciation which i had not been listening from the start to the end. hehehehe; xP and finally, home sweet home! ^~^ heheheh; blog post end here now (: Tmr will be an operation. I hope that i am able to update; till then; Ppyong!~ xD
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I hate myself right now. I deserve it. I am no one to blame. I have nothing to say. It is all my own fault. Debrief sucks but i suck even more. I am a real disappointment. I can't do anything more. What is done is done. No way i can turn back time and change history. I can only wish for the best. I can only pray hard but i think it is pointless as well. No more looking back. It doesn't help. It will only make matters worse. I am at loss of my own route now. I have no idea which way to take now. I am lost. I wanna escape front this route but i don't think i can do it. Every path seemed so blur. I have no more choice. They are no more in my hand. I can only summoned up myself and face the music. And accept the fact and be ready what whatever lies ahead of me now. Each step looks real creeping. But i still need to put one foot after another and walked towards the final destination which awaits ny arrival. The road might be filled with disasters but i left with nothing. Just me all alone. I really have no idea what to do and totally speechless right now. But what can i say?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
heheheh; actually, i was supposed to be sleeping early cause i was real tired, then mum started watching Forensics Heroes 3 ; which was the show i wanted to watch since last year, everyone was like; 'omg, it is the best i have so far! :O' so, i finally could watched, but mum had alre watched until l ep15 -,- i have no choice but to continue watched, but i was lucky enough, cause i started watching not long ago, they had a new case! (Y) #yayme :P hahah; we watched til 4+; mum said was late, so we off it and went to dreamland (:
The next day, i woke up @ 1pm sharp and after lunch, i immediately grabbed my phone and went fangirl-ing K-POP; Boyfriend. :D *seriously, this is so not me and i use to dislike K-POP=,= #FML*
I finally finished watching their variety show; Boyfriend W Academy; which was not only fun(i laughed since the first ep to the last ep.)but you could really see a totally different side of each member; the mature one, the smart-alex, the joker, the cute-cute one ~>*^0^*<~ and of course, the look of perseverance, teamwork and the mindset of really going forward towards their goal; in 2012, Becoming a World Star. Quoting a chinese phrase; 他们最真诚的一面 (:
I really like them not only just purely of their songs and looks, but really, they doing their best and only giving us the best of the best in whatever they do. They are always putting their 200% heart and soul into completing it; though they are grumbles, but in the end, they will show you who they really are. So, i am saying, they are more than what we have seen their through TV. I really, from the bottom of my heart; giving them my utmost support and encouragement, as a simple fans (:
P/S above all are just my personal opinions, i have no any ulterior motive, so anyone read please don't be mistaken. Also, not doing any promotional; Tyvm
Below is a short passage from the youtube; i really love what was written; (:
Boyfriend为韩国Starship Entertainment于2011年推出的6人男子组合,于5月26日携带同名单曲《Boyfriend》通过M!Countdown正式出道。一出道便获得了极高的
2012年Boyfriend即将展开海外活动,针对海外活动进行的各种训练而拍摄的《Boyfriend's W士官学校》将会给大家带来不一样的Boyfriend,各种萌点笑点一应俱全,也让大家看了非常努力的他们。

Thursday, May 10, 2012
:D (^~^) \^0^/
Tmr is marking day, so another slacking day for me (Y) #awesome heheheh; mon will be my debrief, i will pray hard that not only i will every subject, but also no C at all; >.< especially eng; haish; i will pray really really really hard; *finger crossed* /so still not cannot make plans for Jun hols; TT^TT nvm; (: i will pass the test de! #jiayou
buaibuai for now.(: i will post abt my results(:
#examended :D
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
shall share abt my paper last week;
after lit paper on Mon, it was a public holiday, and let me say this, it was damn unproductive -__- i totally wasted one precious day just like that and i was damn pissed w/ myself, and i only did a few maths problem sums and head to bed; #FML but i must say, the next day, maths was like a breeze to me and i was able to do all questions, (though there were some questions which i 'huh' at them during the first time; hahahah; xD) YAY(Y) *maybe got luck can get an A xP* heheheh;
and it was Geo and Bio the next day, and i swear i totally hate the teacher who put this 2 mad subject together; it was damn crappy and i even make a cup of tea for myself in order not to fall asleep. In the end, i studied till 4:30am but only sleep at nearly 6. WHAT IS THIS?! :O i was damn happy when i finished the stupid stuffs but the moment i lie on my bed, i have no idea why the facts started coming to me, and i was like rolling on my bed and the facts just rove around in my brain -______-lll seriously, damn annoying sia! .0. but in the end. i FINALLY could fall asleep; phew! During the paper, it was okay, but most of the stupid things i memorise didn't came out, instead they ask about the stupid water bottle, the heart-lung oxygenator and ask us to link to the stuff that we had learn; omg, what is so freaking wrong w/ the setter of the paper?! .____.lll are you trying to kill us all out? The stuffs that our teacher ask her to study didn't came out, but they ask things that are not related us yet; ARGH; but luckily, i was still be able to do them; #praiseme; hahahahahah; and i was the physics paper next; omg, my worse enemy ever, they are like already my enemy from the moment i was born, they hated me a lot and they are like forever out there killing me, making me fail. WTS; and i have a bad feeling abt the paper, i think i am really gonna fail, gosh! damn scared now! :O *P/S i am that lucky enough, getting the score of 50/100, i will be jumping and thanking God for all the mercy, i am serious! cause passing is alre one difficult task for me when it comes to physics.*
And so, came to weekend, and i wasted one day when i went shopping w/ my parents; hahahahah; xD btw, talking abt it, shall tell you one more thing which i am damn pissed off abt. On sat, i went to the blogshop and ask abt my bag, you know that i have ordered, the owner of the blogshop told me that it was taken down and so she just 索性 didn't ordered for the customers, including me without even letting us know! God damn, what is this?! >:O too think i was damn excited and really anticipating a lot. i even got a lecture for it, feel that 'awesome' .0. seriously damn pissed, i felt cheated, really cheated and i swear i am not gonna buy anymore things through the internet, mum also said this is your first and last time doing this; zzzz.... -___- now thinking of it makes me damn xian now; #FML
and again, i mug history for 2 days and now i am gonna take the paper like idk, in an hour or two, so wish me luck and all the best later on; i am fearing for it now.
*fingers crossed* >.<
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
heheh; let me start the post w/ this greeting(those i doubt there is any link between the both of us XD) anyway,it had been 2 weeks since my last post; paiseh; it was the MYE and it was very important so i neglect the blog a bit; duibuqi >.< anyway; 言归正传. Today is the public holiday and so far; the language and 1 humanities paper is cleared *clap clap* i am quite pleased w/ my performance, except for the eng and chi paper 1; eng; i am able to see that i will be receiving a F while paper 1 have not much hope as i was able to sleep for half an hour -.- WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THIS?!?! I CAN NEVER COMPLETE COMPO WITHIN 2 HOURS BEFORE; THIS IS CRAZY .0. Whatever it is now, it is now over and i am just gonna forget abt it until debrief; hahah; lit today was super smooth, everything i read somewhat came out and i totally made use of all the time. i was still madly writing when i was like left w/ idk; 2mins(?) btw, whoever is gonna mark my paper, please forgo your 'strictness' and really try to read my 'awesome' handwriting; cause it was so 'cao' that some words, i also need quite some time to make it out; hahah; xD whatever it is, i will pray hard for it. *nod nod* (:
Kayyy; tmr will be maths paper 2; apparently there is nothing for me to study but just practice and practice and practice. so; yupyup :3 heheheh; but the day after maths paper will be horrifying and crazy and just one word; MAD *angry troll face* .O. cause it shall be both bio and geo all together; which both require mad memory work and especially geo, there is more application questions now; so DEAD; and somemore, i tried doing questions in my assessment, but i know; the questions will be like way up high in the sky while mine are like; idk tinneh winneh beans (?) not much use. but, better than nothing.
So since today is an excellent day for me to study, i shan't not waste but make it super duper meaningful and productive. My goal; not only to like really do all the revision paper given, but also try out all the questions in my assessment, and maybe; start on dolphin; XP btw, my 'awesome' dolphin is damn new and i have not open and do anything yet. I can still take it back to popular and ask for refund; cause it is really freaking new! XD hahahah; me damn joke sia; :P hahahahah; and also maybe read some bio and do pracitce questions and make some notes; of course. Then, i will be super proud of myself (Y) heheheh;
Shall end here now; there is tuition tmr. So needa to sleep early; so nights everyone! :D may the dreams be sweet and beautiful for each and everyone of u! *O* :D buaibuai (:
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
- Jolene
- KoYong
- MengYuan
- Edward
- JunWei
- Nelyn
- Joanne
- Stephanie
- Claira
- WanXin
Sunday, April 15, 2012
P/S; wanna knw how much i got, go find someone you know from our class. XP
hahahah; [one happy moment] (Y)
During guides, it was the ever best activity i ever had. It was super SLACK and FUN (Y) hahahahahah; It was the last activity for the sec4s and we had somewhat a ceremony for them. First, we had some games and then; came the highlight. YESH; OUTDOORRR COOKINGGGGG heheheh; our dish was mushroom sausages soup w/ garlic bread, but due to timer constraint, we can only have the soup ): zzz....but anyway, our dear seniors love it! YAY (Y) HAHAH; and now, for some pictures; enjoy! :D
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hehehe; and w/ this, it is the end of Guides activty w/ the sec4s; haish; SO SAD TT^TT
[another happy moment] (Y)
hahahah; and for the first time in my life, i ordered something through the internet,through blogshop! :O cool right? It was my first time and i was like; "did i really just ordered something through blogshop without anyone permission, especially from mum?" hahahah; btw, i ordered a bag, black w/ polka dots and cost $12.50 (Y) will be delievered in 1-2 weeks time. Anticipating it everyday! xD YAY (Y) [one more awesome moment] :P
btw, i think i am officially hooked on K-POP; shit! -.- i am listening to thier songs everyday and a bit stalking them alre... ): but, i must say, not only they vocals, dance moves are great, omg; they have the looks!!! ARGH! I AM GONNA MAD.....
and they are BOYFRIEND
and these 3s are my favourite. (Y)
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Saturday, April 7, 2012
okay; the last post of was abt the end of CT, but the hols; woah! The BUSIEST ONE i ever had! P/S and i was reminding my mum b4 the hols that i were be the first one to leave the house and the last home to come back again >:D
On Sun 11/3, i went to JunWei house to start on our debate and FA; and it was a great afternoon as we slack, do, slack, do, slack, do; hahah; we even had lunch there, JunWei went down to the 7-eleven (the 7-eleven is just downstairs his block, cool or what? :O)and bought me and Jacq lunch (Y) and then, JW went for his training and we 'shift house' to LiMin house and slack the whole time doing nth, but just eat, go FB, twitter and YouTube (Y) heheh; but nevertheless, we finished our FA and half-way through out debate[dont say we totally waste our time there :P] heheh; then we went home(:
But i did not went home; i went to 77th Street at Tampines Mall(can't remb) to get the shoelace for our PW, but actually we had no idea why did we get it for anyway. I also went to Daiso and Popular @ East Point to get the craft glue, super glue etc. (remb, we had nth in our mind.) Then, when i came home, i took out all the materials and i was meddling w/ them the whole time, hoping that i could come out w/ sth, but again; NOTHING!! ): i was on the verge of giving up when mama came and played w/ my shoelace, in the end, she came up w/ sth super awesome and it was super duper chio (Y) *mum, i love you! ^^* she kinda like fold the shoelace together, sticht them together and finally, attach a buuton on it to look like a flower and to make it more pratical, she got one of my rubber band and sew it on w/ it! and, TA-DA! she did it! SHE SAVED US ALL!!!! ^0^ heheh; it was so awesome and all my members love it and we alre got some customers as well!(Y) hohoh; :D a picture of it ;3 (btw, some background info; all our ideas that we came up for our PW were rejected and we were seriously gonna die, until Ms.Ranita give us the idea of shoelace, and i thought of making a shoelace pouch but apparently, it was shit .__. and then, she told us to think of sth and show her the product on Mon and we were like; what can we seriously think of?! :O) so i was really happy when mama did this and i was finger crossing hoping that it will be approved! >_< heheh; *mum also say that if this is still not approved, can ask the cher go just go and bang wall liao :P* shshhhhh....cannot say de horh xP
Cool right? Just by a few work frm mum, she saved us all!! :3 |
Mon 12/3; i woke up early in the morning to go to school and meet Ms.Ranita to show her the product, along w/ Nelyn and Stephanie. Joanne was not able to be there cause of her SJAB stuff. so yeap, when Ms.Ranita saw it, she was really delighted and pleased w/ her and she wads like; 'This is really nice, and it is really very creative and innovative :D ' you shld just see the expression on our face, totally in heaven :D hahah; and we also did oral survey w/ OLW and another teacher, and both said that they would rather buy a small one, which thus leading to us making both small and big de. As for the other details, it will be shut. Sorry, we are not allowed to reveal too much xP heheh; then later, we decided to go and buy the materials and start. we went to NEX and bought the shoelace and rubber bands and went sogurt and Pastamania for lunch (: but then, Steph need to leave so she went home early, and the other two came to my house and learn how to make. C; heheh; at my house, we only get started and we only make , i think 4, if i am not wrong but at least, we learnt how to make, which is more important. btw, Steph also whatsapp us and she shown us what she and her mum and did. And seriously, i think it was super awesome and really creative; shall show you one eg; (;
Isn't awesome? :D (Y) |
Tues 13/3; early in the morning, I woke up at 5+, (if i didnt remb wrongly) and take MRT to PSA Building to learn abt saving electricity aka Energy Efficient Course-.- which is super lame -.- and a total waste of time. /; spent abt 2hourse there before making my way to JW house to start on my lit sketch, chi IB script and complete my debate. (hahah; so ambitious) and i bought Macs there, which was my lunch and had a whale of my time again. I came early so we decided to start on our chi script and continued our debate. But well, we slack again for most of the time but i had one great accomplishment is that, i started on our script, w/ the help of Jacq and it was really not bad (: btw, we kinda totally made a mess at JW house and i did many things as well :P which includes stealing of JW food, watching his TV, help him wash plates and dishes, and not forgetting his com (Y) *wait, did i say that he had 5 computers, i think 4/5/6 TV, 1 visualizer and 2 tablets, i have lost count of how many devices he had at home* heheh; xD it was super freakin' fun, but he could not do anything to us! hahah; later, Nelyn and Steph came and we started our sketch. hahah; it was so funny cause we were laughing a lot and JW was there, trying to get our attention to start, but in the end, when we finally start doing, we starting doing some other stuffs like; the softballers were throwing paper ball, me continuing w/ our script and Jacq was the only one discussing w/ JW abt the sketch; hahah; but at least, at the end of the day we came up w/ scene 1 and i was half-way through my script (Y) heheh; and the day ended (:
Wed 14/3; it was considered the most 'slackest' day among the entire week but i had tuition in the afternoon, but AT LEAST, i get to wake up during the afternoon (Y) heheh; and time passed too ;3
Thurs 15/3; also, sleep until abt 11+ and got ready for my medical appointment w/ NSC. My appointment was 2.45pm and after lunch, i took the MRT there. Upon reaching, i went to register and i actually waited for i think 15-30min (?) and finally when it was my turn, i swear it was not only the most embarrassing one, but also the most retarded one! 3 *~* why? first, the doc asked questions that i don't understand, and answered totally out of the point; second, there was constant awkward silence between us; and third, wht i asked, the doc don't seemed to get it and somemore, i felt that the time was passing really slow and the doc was also kinda nagging; X_X (no offence, doc!) heheh; finally, the doc let me leave, and prescribed me w/ one cream which she said that, it will kinda like help me recover back the nail bed, sth like that... and then, home sweet home.. ^^~
Fri 16/3; woke up LATE in the morning but luckily, dad had not leave, so i was able to get a ride there. heheh; btw, i was going to the same place ask PSA Building, but today; i was there to take the test and hand up my 'awesome' homework in order to pass the test; LOL; so stupid; -___- and during the test, to think everyone's paper was different, and so, you know; NO CHEATING T^T but then, we were able to refer to the notes given, hahah; joke right? :P i am not sure if i am able to ace it, but i swear i will pass it (Y) heheh; and it was home sweet home again (;
Sat 17/3; woke up LATE AGAIN -__- and it was worse than the day before! and i almost took every transport you can find in SG. First, it was ride from dad, then mrt trip there and finally, a taxi ride to my destination i knw i am pro. (Y) btw, my purpose was to attend guides civil defence course at the civil defence division at Bukit Batok there, and you can just imagine how late i was. we were supposed to be there by 0845, and i only got there at 0900. i am the zai one. actually, we were there to learn abt civil defence stuff, like how to do emergency dressing, wht to do when faced w/ situations like EE,IPP, accident and chemicals released etc, and i got to try out the cool part when we were asked to put out the fire! cool right! the freaking fire extinguisher is so freaking heavy and i couldn't leave it up properly! Too think the person still said;"heavy meh?" and he lifted up that thingy w/ just one hand and easily. -___- hahah; and i finally learn CPR! i was so happy! YAY (Y) hahah; :D after all the stuff that was taught, there was a theory test which we need to take and pass it before we can received our badge -.- but heheh; we were asking around for answers and even the instructors! hahah; xD seriously, i don't think anyone will fail luh! xP and after the test, once again; home sweet home. ^^
Sun 18/3; another peaceful day and i was only hoping to relax a bit, when i had that irriating feeling within me that tell me tmr start sch liao D; i was so sad! T^T seriously, the worse hols ever sia! .__. but nvm ,looking at the bright side, it is one of the rare chance that i get to send my hols so meaningfully without having any regrets (Y) accomplishment! :P heheh; and this is the end of my totally crazy hols! :D heheh;
Up next;
Tues 27/3; a very awesome date. It has quite a significant as it is BOTH my mum and OLW's birthday! cool or what? ;3 we bought and decorated the cake @ The Icing Room and also have a corrugated card, hand-made de and filled w/ almost everyone, 2HM well wishes! (^~^) heheh; she was very touched cause we sang 'Happy Birthday' song for her, but we didn't get the chance of cutting the cake, but at least, she was really touched by us and posted our present on Facebook; and so, here they are! :D
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This is the hand-made card ;3 |
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and this is the awesome cake! :D |
The Present that she gave me (Y) |
A clearer view of it (: |
Another one (: |
Tues 3/4; History lessson was unforegettable. Mr. TanNaShi raised from his death and came to our class and taught us abt the education of the Japanese during WW2. We had their usual FRC and we shouted 'Banzai!' 'Banzai!' 'Banzai!' aka '万岁' '万岁' '万岁' and LiangHan shouted 'Bangsai' instead. (get the joke? :P) hahah; and obviously, kenna scolded lah! hahah; during the lesson, we learnt many new Japanaese songs and also their dialects. (Y) oh, and he also showed us the banana money and his father's birth cert. *picture as follow* and also his damn cool uniform (Y) heheh; and the lesson ended (:
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Cool huh? :3 |
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Wht does he reminds you of? >:D |
Wed 4/4; Sports meet. Woke up at 0615 and was holding on w/ my phone while taking naps at the same time. i was also checking constantly, hoping and yearning that my phone will rang and a new message will come and say the sports meet has been cancelled and please don't make your way to the stadium anymore. But then, i waited until 0645 still haven't come! T^T zzz..ite, i gave up and went to washed up. Later, at the stadium, the rain stopped and i was thinking that the sports meet would start and to think, it started pouring again -___- zzz.. and we wasted 2 FREAKING FULL HOURS DOING NOTHING-.- Walao sia....and finally at 9+, it commerence. The girls started their race first and the most of time, i was like totally out, holding a book/magazaine in my hand, reading w/ Joanne while everyone was like so high. hahah; and Limin was like going crazy cause i was like totally dao her the most of the time; hahah; xD and later, when JW and Edward were running, we were like screaming and got only 3rd, but better than nothing. [; heheh; after the sports meet, is the highlight. were being persuaded to watch 爱的面包魂 w/ ShuFang, Joanne, Cass Sng and Clara. Surprsingly, dad said okay and we were otw to the Tampines. cool right? At the mall, it was NC16 and the person was like u need IC before you can purchase the ticket... zzzz...damn disappointing sia... we loiter for a while before deciding to watch THE HUNGER GAMES. i was protesting the whole time but like everyone wanted to watch, you can't be the party pooper right? so i was forced to watched as welll. .___. zzzz, and it was a total disappointment and totally cheat my money, feelings and time -.- argh! (btw, before the movie, we went to swensen for lunch and it was freaking ex....-.-and we also gossip a bit; heheheh;) the movie was seriously damn stupid and every scene is predictable, is it nice? somemore, there is no scene that leave a deep impact in me, so yeap; other than one thing;
Happy Hunger Games and
May the odds ever be in your favour. (Y) *excellent phrase*
heheh; after the movie, me and Joanne left first and return home (:
P/S; during the way to mrt, i thought i see you walking towards the mrt as well. i was not sure as the bus was moving kinda fast, but then, from sideview, you look similar. But, i have decided to convince myself that it was not you so that i can try to forget you asap. :P
Thurs 5/4; nth much happened except that we had SA1 MSP oral and i only scored 26/40; FML stupid luh! .__. pissed w/ myself.
Fri 6/4; it was Good Friday and i woke up early in the morning to get ready my home for some guests. :P heheh; there is gonna be some human coming to my house to do the geo fieldwork and the CIP poster. Nelyn was unable to make it due to her church service, LiMin fell sick so ite, only Joanne and Jacqueline came. We started quite late cause Joanne was late and we were slacking for most of the time AGAIN and we only accomplished some but we have decided to pass some of the work to the others who did not come. Later at 1130, Edward came and it was raining cats and dogs and the both of us were half-drenched by the time we got home. Edward drew the poster while he, Jacqueline and me coloured the picture and Joanne wrote the words. (Y) Teamwork. YAY heheh; during the whole time, i was laughing like mad cause of someone...zzz...and the most epic thing happened; mum and dad were back for lunch and everyone was asked to stay for lunch. heheh; for the very first time, eating was never was wrong and the atmosphere was retardedly stupid! The awakardness weas hanging there and i was controlling my laughter the whole time. Mum and dad was super nice and keep on gving them food. They were too 热情 and totally freaked everyone, including me out! hahah; xD it was the most epic meal i ever had and now thinking back, i still can't stop laughing abt it! damn joke sia!~ XD and after the lunch, they could not wait to leave and go home. :P heheh;
Sat 7/4; me is now at Joanne's house, finishing my blog post. hahah; i am the very one in all her friends, to step into her house. Seriously, feel damn honoured sia! xD heheh; btw, i was here cause of the pottery. heheh; now thinking back, i must thank art for this! xP heheh; and....
heheh; and now i shall end here now. People, thank you for your time to finish reading this, i appreciate your kindness and time for this. I t had been all my hardship and effort. So i truly THANK YOU for these.
byebye for now! :3 Love you people! Muack~ :D
Friday, March 9, 2012
a rest from the hectic school pace...but sadly, it is only for a few moments..):
but well..better than nothing...(; *smile a bit, girl :]*
and well, today have loads to say, shan't not waste any single min! well; here comes! Me will rattle and rattle non-stop >:)
heheh; as i wrote earlier on, CT ended and today marks the LAST DAY of Term1(:
yupyup; CT was kinda horrible as i am not sure if i am able to
Haish; physics test was a bit of tragic on Wed and there are many questions that were explanations but sadly, i cant explain! T^T which leads to writing crap...haiz; and to think, the setter of the paper copied paste the questions from the ws, without changing anything, and I was like wts; are you serious? i have no idea how to answer this question! :O LOL; hahah; but all in all, i was able to complete the paper in time, without leaving any regrets :') [omg, sounds wrong] Next come, History on Thurs. Surprisingly, i not only did not screw it, but on the contrary; i think i answered every questions w/ the right mind set and well, i am able to pour everything that i had read thorugh! (Y) was feeling really great after hist test (: heheh; and lastly, came Biology paper today; it was a mad morning at first, but luckily, it ended perfectly, just the way i wanted it(: I planned to sleep about 3hours, as i was freaking tired, but i actually SLEEP THROUGH UNTIL THE NEXT MORNING!!! wts, to think i set alarm clock, but i have no idea how come i did not hear it... #-_______- was freaking irritated this morning and i was rushing, doing everything in sonic speed..hiash; and apparently, NO revision was did to my just-too-awesome bio..seriously feel like killing myself at that moment.... .____.||| and when i was in school, i remembered that i left my bio notes in my art file. You should see my expression. It was so cool. Not only u did not revise your bio, but spend the night away in your dreamland, in the school and you realised that your notes are in home. That kind of feeling is really, omg, why is all the bad things happening to me? You will be wondering out loud, but luckily,i was fortunate(; (and this is the bad news part) but as the saying goes; 塞翁失马,安知非福 heheh; i borrowed from KoYong and ShuFang both of their notes and without wasting any single seconds, cause i ain't afford any longer and started reading and studying. Woah; for the very first time, i was able to get full concentration though how noisy was the class, heheh; and what i had read just went directly into my brain instantly and did not get out!!^^ I was really elated and i guess sleeping was really important as i had slept 9hours that night before, heheh; anyway, after reading the notes, the anxiety obviously would be there, since i did not study the previous night, and i am already at the losing end; i felt loads better and was able to answer most of the questions(: heheh; i was glad that i was able to complete the paper, w/ still some time on the clock to allow me to check and re-think some of my answers(: but still, i just hope for a passing mark only(: heheh; but though all tests are cleared, it would be time for celebration for everyone, but sadly; i ain't unable to join in): guides had their test and i need to study for them T^T, and well, there is blanks, but i think, i can have a miss on the re-test; heheh; (Y)
heheh; it is 2 more hours to the end of Term 1 but the start of March Hols(Y), though i know it will be another long week filled w/ homework+CCA events+projects, but at least, i am to grab a break and let myself a tinneh winneh while^_^ heheh; okayokay, not gonna lose myself, grabbing her back now :P
And well, i think i am able to end my post here now(: shall update you guys abt my hols(: Look Forward!
<3 ya; my readers :D You people just too awesome!^>^
#happyholidays&doallyourassignments :3