Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Centuria: By Hai Sing Catholic concert Band
WeiXiang Sch playing;
The Combined Band :3
Trying to focus on him but fail ;p
This was the Final Play (Combined Play) called the "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" OMG, it was damn nice!! :D
Yesterday was WeiXiang concert...
Was actually suppose to write before that..
But sadly, dad was occupying my phone! .__.
Anyway, back to the main story
Was late for the usual
Went pastamania for dinner and i finally bought my dolphin book(:
Brought gong cha too~^_^
Finally, we reached our destination and met serene. was quite epic. Cus we decided to go shopping instead but then we are too..well, too guai le! xD
We sat at the back and too back, seriously i think we are really not here to watch the concert!
We were fooling around!!~
We were laughing,joking,giggling and not forgetting texting!!~ ^0^
During the concert,i was expecting myself to fall asleep but surprisingly, i did not! :D
Cal that a celebration!
Well,to be frank, it was actually all the talking and giggling prevent me from sleeping xp
Anyway, all the performance was not bad but for a girl who has zero music genes and appreciation, i apologise for tat, i am unable to truly understand and appreciate them...i knw! It is my bad! ©~©
Anyway,after the intermission, a group of boys came in and let me tell u that;
It was the beginning of torture yet dramatic scene.
First, they started shouting their friends name and they started joking around and forgetting making a complete disgrace of themselves. .__. Sorry, it is all juz my personal opinion...
During the concert, we were eating and drinking!
And let me tel u tat;
I practically spilt my gobstopper out all on the floor, TWICE IN A ROW
Oh well, Rachel said it was okay, so we ate it!
Finally concert ended!^0^
We walked home by mrt and trust me,on the way, there was loads of giggling and joking around!
I given knocked into a guy! All thanks to the bloody train
Damn freaking shaky!!~
Serene got down at kallang
Me and Rach got down at Aljunied...
We even hug before we go!!~^8^
Anyway,to be frank,it was not the concert that gave me memories but i guess it is all your friends that matter...
Anyway, love the concert!^~^

Dedicated to WeiXiang:
Though u have really been retarded, but i think you was really different from usual self and you have really played well.(:
Well done! Good job!^^
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