Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some fabulous pic we took!(^.^)

Oh,and this is the bubble!^^ so proud of it!:D

Today so awesome!!~^0^
Went out with Rachel, QuanFang, Joyce, YunHui to vivo
We decided to meet at singpost at 9am, but Rachel overslept and woke up at 10:30... .___.
Den we went to her house and we stayed there till 11 before setting off to vivo.
After that, when we finally arrived at vivo,we did a bit of shopping but then Rachel said she was hungry so we end up spilt up when Joyce and YunHui continue shopping while me and Rachel go for breakfast...
Finally, QuanFang arrived and then we went to we played rollar coaster and took neo print! God! I am damn freaking proud of them!!! \^~^/
Anyway,we finally did our main purpose which is to......
Play water!!!!
Woah! It was damn effing fun!!
I was drenched from top to bottom!!! @_@
OMG it was damn fun!
Laughed too much!!! ®~®
Best part! Oh,we even have a war!!!
HAHA...we sudden chit-chatting and ate my snack!! HAHA
So funny!!~ lol
Think i am crazy!
After went to changed, Rachel almost walked into the boys toilet!!~ >:D so funny!
Oh,we walk one whole entire round of vivo just to find gong cha. Can u believe it?! And then juz when we were reaching, Joyce called us and told us that they found pastamania.... ._____.
In te end,we walk another round and on the way, we did a bit of shopping and i bought clips!^_^
Hehe..finally, we found pastamania! :X fail!XD
Anyway,i had my dinner at 5+...... ~.~
And then we went to a balcony and took memories!!~ oh,we also blow bubble!^~^ i was able 2 blow one by the way! HAHA
Finally, we went to gong cha and go home!!~
Arh! So fun!!!~

It was really one enjoyable and memorable day!!~

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  1. awww...first neoprint not with me!! *CRIES*

  2. Sorry!!~
    Neo print was actually not part of the plan. It was last minutes decision.
    So ya...
    Dun worry,during hols we find one day go out n den take neo print together!^~^
    I swear!
