Thursday, November 24, 2011

Woke up early in the morning yesterday for a damn special mission... d;
Mission: Go to polyclinic to take a refer letter to the specialist and also to have moi blood test XP
Sounds stupid, but anyway, was quite proud of myself though*smirk*
Finally, able to step into a clinic all by my own^^~
Anyway, the registration was quite successful and i reckon i waited for at least 20min before i could get to see the doctor@_@~
Too bad! There was too many people! :O
oh well, went for the blood test and i could feel my heart beating against my chest.....
hehehe...i have phobia for needles so well, i practically cover my eyes and was nearly, perspiring.......... ._.
sorry! too scared!!!!
anyway,  the process was quite smooth and i only opened my eyes after my blood(okay, i saw the tube of my blood....)was taken out like 3-4 minutes later......
and finally, the claiming for medicine and $$$....
it was freaking ex! Let me tell you this!
shan't not say the price!
mum was going crazy about that though....@-@
oh well, the mission ended!
and i am truly proud of myself!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Right here in Malaysia now...
It was a last minute decision anyway.....
So,well you can say that nothing special was planned beforehand and it was quite a rush trip though...
oh,and something quite unexpected happened;
The car's engine decided to stop working and we pratically spent half an hour idling around and i suggested we played 接龙which was quite fun and we forgotten about the time(:
Now, they decided to go for supper so i guess, i can really stop thinking about going on diet for a while ;p
sorry, cannot stand temptation:P
oh well, gtg now,buaibuai(:
quite a rush post.....><

Friday, November 18, 2011

Not very sure of what to do now...
Should i watch momo love or iron clothes?
have been troubling over some minor stuffs this few days.....
think i am too free so i got some much time and brain space to think of them.... .____.
Facebook and Twitter is getting boring... practically nothing special to do......
gonna die of bored-ness........
the trip to Japan was confirmed so meanwhile, kinda getting ready for the trip((;
quite excited about it, after all, it is my first time going to somewhere snowing and celebrating WHITE CHRISTMAS at the same time((:
so ya...
this will be my weird-est post ever...
after 2011, i have found 5 friends that i can truly,
exchange hearts and say my problems and well, you knw...
one of them is not really a friend that i can talk to..
but since he has given me memories,so i will just put him in((:
not gonna reveal,of course,,,,,=p
anyway, have been going out with primary sch friends than secondary friends...
there was more outings though...X_X
gonna have my very first one with Limin and Jacq!(Y)
next year will be another stressful year,cause of streaming....
just by thinking of that already send a shiver down my spine.....
anyway, i just hope that i am able to cope though.....
gtg now! mum is calling! buaibuai!((:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Centuria: By Hai Sing Catholic concert Band
WeiXiang Sch playing;
The Combined Band :3
Trying to focus on him but fail ;p
This was the Final Play (Combined Play) called the "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" OMG, it was damn nice!! :D
Yesterday was WeiXiang concert...
Was actually suppose to write before that..
But sadly, dad was occupying my phone! .__.
Anyway, back to the main story
Was late for the usual
Went pastamania for dinner and i finally bought my dolphin book(:
Brought gong cha too~^_^
Finally, we reached our destination and met serene. was quite epic. Cus we decided to go shopping instead but then we are too..well, too guai le! xD
We sat at the back and too back, seriously i think we are really not here to watch the concert!
We were fooling around!!~
We were laughing,joking,giggling and not forgetting texting!!~ ^0^
During the concert,i was expecting myself to fall asleep but surprisingly, i did not! :D
Cal that a celebration!
Well,to be frank, it was actually all the talking and giggling prevent me from sleeping xp
Anyway, all the performance was not bad but for a girl who has zero music genes and appreciation, i apologise for tat, i am unable to truly understand and appreciate them...i knw! It is my bad! ©~©
Anyway,after the intermission, a group of boys came in and let me tell u that;
It was the beginning of torture yet dramatic scene.
First, they started shouting their friends name and they started joking around and forgetting making a complete disgrace of themselves. .__. Sorry, it is all juz my personal opinion...
During the concert, we were eating and drinking!
And let me tel u tat;
I practically spilt my gobstopper out all on the floor, TWICE IN A ROW
Oh well, Rachel said it was okay, so we ate it!
Finally concert ended!^0^
We walked home by mrt and trust me,on the way, there was loads of giggling and joking around!
I given knocked into a guy! All thanks to the bloody train
Damn freaking shaky!!~
Serene got down at kallang
Me and Rach got down at Aljunied...
We even hug before we go!!~^8^
Anyway,to be frank,it was not the concert that gave me memories but i guess it is all your friends that matter...
Anyway, love the concert!^~^

Dedicated to WeiXiang:
Though u have really been retarded, but i think you was really different from usual self and you have really played well.(:
Well done! Good job!^^
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Monday, November 14, 2011

After so many days, i have finally completed HALF of my homework....
Dun say i am have been rotting at home without fail everyday!
At least i made myself useful and a meaningful day by completing SOME homework! :P
anyway, my brain is malfunctioning, my hands are numbing, eyes are going blind! All thanks to the computer right in front of me now! Thanks man!
well, tmr is WeiXiang concert, apparently i am NOT looking forward, cause firstly, i have no music genes,anytime i might just dozed off if i dun understand wht was playing or the atmosphere and the chair is too comfortable! xp cal me a sleeping beauty for that! i dun give a damn! i am unique! *smirk*
anyway, meeting Rach tmr first before having dinner and going for the concert. Mum said that dad is coming tmr to pick us home...oh, well, guess i can go home earlier^^
btw,i am having patrol outing next week! YAY(Y) FINALLY!!!~^0^
totally looking forward!!~
being bored so i ahve decided to blog....;p
anyway, i borrowed some drama novel and oh well, got a scolding for that and after reading i have decided to watch *MOMO LOVE* aka 桃花小妹...
so the movie review will be on the next post!
gtg now! buaibuai((:

Friday, November 11, 2011

Now is 11/11/11..
God! I am damn high!!~^.^
Have been wishing people on Facebook, twitter and message!!~
God! I think i am going crazy about it!!~ \^0^/
Hehe..anyway, i will pray and wish really hard on 11/11/11 11:11am and 11/11/11 11:11pm...
And wht is my wish?
It will be a secret! Sorry! >:)
Anyway, it is a 1000years thingy so i must be cautious abt it..... Hmm...
Anyway, it will be another day,dun think i will sleep so early..
Good night!!~(^,^)

Happy 11/11/11 Day!
May all your wishes come true! <3

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some fabulous pic we took!(^.^)

Oh,and this is the bubble!^^ so proud of it!:D

Today so awesome!!~^0^
Went out with Rachel, QuanFang, Joyce, YunHui to vivo
We decided to meet at singpost at 9am, but Rachel overslept and woke up at 10:30... .___.
Den we went to her house and we stayed there till 11 before setting off to vivo.
After that, when we finally arrived at vivo,we did a bit of shopping but then Rachel said she was hungry so we end up spilt up when Joyce and YunHui continue shopping while me and Rachel go for breakfast...
Finally, QuanFang arrived and then we went to we played rollar coaster and took neo print! God! I am damn freaking proud of them!!! \^~^/
Anyway,we finally did our main purpose which is to......
Play water!!!!
Woah! It was damn effing fun!!
I was drenched from top to bottom!!! @_@
OMG it was damn fun!
Laughed too much!!! ®~®
Best part! Oh,we even have a war!!!
HAHA...we sudden chit-chatting and ate my snack!! HAHA
So funny!!~ lol
Think i am crazy!
After went to changed, Rachel almost walked into the boys toilet!!~ >:D so funny!
Oh,we walk one whole entire round of vivo just to find gong cha. Can u believe it?! And then juz when we were reaching, Joyce called us and told us that they found pastamania.... ._____.
In te end,we walk another round and on the way, we did a bit of shopping and i bought clips!^_^
Hehe..finally, we found pastamania! :X fail!XD
Anyway,i had my dinner at 5+...... ~.~
And then we went to a balcony and took memories!!~ oh,we also blow bubble!^~^ i was able 2 blow one by the way! HAHA
Finally, we went to gong cha and go home!!~
Arh! So fun!!!~

It was really one enjoyable and memorable day!!~

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sorry! Blog had been dead since drama nite... I apologise, but it is not my fault.
Everyday was just another old boring lame retarded day...
I am repeating the same routine without fail...
Morning, when i have woken up, dressed up (to be frank,most of the time when i wake up, it is already noon xp) it is time for lunch. After lunch, time to go to the office when my torture start. I. am asked to memorise one composition. Then, i will need to my assessment...-.- feeling so dreadful! Argh! At night, i will need to help out at home like doing household chores...
And mum said that i am only allow to watch 1 hour everyday! Wth _l_ you said i can do whatever you want after exam, but you are restricting all my freedom and life!
Haiz... No point saying all this..everything will be back to square 1....
Gtg now. I will need to memorise my compo before i am able to read my novel that i have borrowed...haiz...命苦啊!!!

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Thursday, November 3, 2011

heheh; sorry><
cannot stop giggling!
Drama nite ended 1 hour ago..but i am still so high!~^0^
okay, without any further undo,lets start rattling off abt it!~ :D
Firstly, i was late for school, due to the breakfast, which is a complete disgrace! -.-lll
But luckily, they haven't started yet...heheh;p
Then, we were asked to change and get ready for rehearsal, which actually started at 10:30am..... .___.
well, the technical run finally the time, i was already hot and sticky....-.- which makes me totally feeling uneasy and uncomfortable!~ WTH
Lunch, i poured out all my sorrows to my firends...(shan't not talk abt it...shhh...)
btw, Limin and i went to sit by the lake for dinner for the very last time in 2011 together...but too bad, we have the accompany of Jolene and JiaWei..Sorry, not trying to offend you guys, just making a simple comment....><
Finally, for the nite! To be frank, i was actually very nervous and actually felt butterflies in my stomach, which caused me to unable to stand properly and i am finding every moment to stand or lie down on my awesome pillow!^^
speaking of that, i suddenly remembered, that pillow, which belongs to Rachel, was my awesome huggable ;p and i finally have the chance to sleep on it and hug it really tight, really hard! heheh; call me a crazy woman, but i wont care! cause i am born this way! haha.... XD
Well, like usual, Zhong Hng continued all his crazy and ridiculous acts on me... .____. i guess he just love it when he tease me or annoy me and see my irriated face....-.- well, it is okay! cus Sherry was there, supporting me! haha....XD oh, and i know another senior now, by the name of ZhengWei..heheh; i can only use three words to describe him...*most annoying guy* (better dun let him see, or else i think i am going to die.....) btw, before we go for our big performance, we played the last round of Concentration! heheh;
"okok..stop what u are writing! focus on drama nite!"
okay, there was a total of 4 classes performing... 1DL 1FG 1HM 1IT...
i was in the chinese drama group, but i think, i am the busiest among every single one performing...let me tell you why...
i was an Emcee actress of 2 scenes.... and you should see me rushing like a mad woman up and down the grand audit.....xp, sorry, not lady-like at all, but the entire situation did not allow me to be at all!!~
everything went on smoothly..but i actually tried to control my laughter during my second scene.. which is totally not acceptable! can this happened to me?! This is a complete disgrace! >:O be frank...i have more memories at the backstage than the acting part...which is totally weird... :P i dun understand why either! i was laughing and giggling more at the back...hahah' sounds weird but i find it better! haha....
haiz...i will never forget all the things that have happened since the morning, 8am...
drama nite had ended, it is now in the past,in the history, but, it will live in my heart forever.... ((:
drama nite has given me too much, apart from all the acting tactics and the expression, i gained more than it... all my firends who were there helping me, supporting me, cheering me up, comforting me....more and more...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sorry>< have not been posting for a few days! Seriously, dun know what to write also....
Anyway, tmr is my drama nite and I am holding one big role, which is the MC, which i am that I am able 2 get the role^~^ heheh;
Tmr is my big day cause I am acting and also holding the, people, wish me good luck and all the best! Fingers crossed that everything will went smoothly tmr and there will be no major problems!>~<
Oh,btw, I am also have 2 roles in my acting scene and there will be quite rush during that period.... xp
...............(dun know what 2 write).................
I think this isy shortest post...gtg now! Bye!
Will wite abt my awesome drama nite tmr! ^0^