Sunday, October 23, 2011

Feeling retarded now...WeiXiang is having his concert on 15/11, and he is persuading me and Rachel to go..seriously, i dun not have any music genes in me! Why the shit did i go?! Maybe i won't understand your music later on..
-.-lll nvm..was having a conference call tis morning, and decided to go, but then later,in the afternoon, Rachel said her mother dun let her go! Wth, making me dun wanna go liao...! Actually, i go cause i knw that i am going to hv a i thought at least i won't be so lonely! But then,now it is like damn stupid! Haiz..
Juz ended another conference cal, still cannot come to a conclusion,will be having another one tonight.. Seriously,i am getting sick and tired of this! Kao...
And because of this retarded thing, mum make full use of it,which give her all the reasons to nag at me! Wtf...damn it! Seriously,hope that i can solve this stupid problem asap,throwing this bloody burden asap! Argh! _l_
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