Monday, October 17, 2011

Debrief ended today...all my results are out...well,so far I failed geo-.- and passed the others :D heheh; though I pass everything and mum is not so angry,but I did not did exceptionally well,but it is not far from failing, so I can consider myself lucky....well,I think I shall not relaxed and be contented,cause I knw actually I cn do to really work hard during hols and study like shit...well,oh and mum was kinda good mold today..maybe I tel her that everything passed so she was not so angry like that day..oh and so far I got 2 A1,which is Chinese, which mum was quite shocked and home enconmics,which 我至少没有对不起自已,Cus when I didn't got even A2 for Chinese in mye,I was quite depressed but eoy I got A1 so ya..quite satisfied and home encs was my favourite subject and my target was to get A1 for home encs and I did it! So...heheh; oh and I got 3 A2,they are chemistry,art and maths and I got 3 Cs which is geo,eng and eng lit-.-wth| damn annoying,so during hols nid 2 practise more on this 3 topics...oh and today I have alre receive my hols homework for next year...I dun evn knw if I am to promote to sec 2 and so early gv me hols homework..wts...bleach-.-||| nvm...the book costs $15,xiao! Nvm...I juz knw that this is stupid! Got 2 go now! Nid 2 read my juz borrowed novel!^0^ bye!

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