Friday, June 17, 2016

Simple Updates

Second week into June Hols, and honestly, i am so confused at my own progress lmao.. It is on track and not at the same time?? But one thing for sure, i am super certain that my progress is way too freaking slow for my own good and i am kind of panicking about that but somehow that brain and mentality is still not here yet wth??? Freaking worrying la wth but i can't seemed to do anything about it bless me please. And the fact that mama is more panicky than me is i think also one of the reason i am not very panicky yet?? wtf i am so done with myself. But because i am not panicky, i study super slowly and i seemed to be able to comprehend and absorb stuff better lmao. I don't even know is this a good or bad thing what even.... Like i wanna know the emergency and the urgency, but i also feel that because i am not scared, i am still real laid back and then still not feeling much freak la wth omg.....
What should i do about this????

Mon: somewhat productive lmao but i did maths and econs so quite happy about that yay nothing much too tbh

Tues: unproductive day I seriously omg didn't accomplish much and only did a bit of econs and i was just so tired. Thanks to econs extra in the morning omg. delphine was so pissed with us, we went from top in the cohort to the second from the bottom lmao. But, miraculously i passed econs CA and was fifith in class wow. And with this, i officially concluded that i passed all my CAs, and with a rank point score of 50. thanks guys, this is super great improvement from SA please omg

Wed: unproductive day II because i was just finishing up the econs from the day before and only did a bit of chinese and i am lagging so much for chinese revision omg ;((((

Thurs: even more unproductive tbvh but i went out and had fun doing shopping so to me, it was a day less wasted compared to the previous two days lmao but idk why, whenever i go out, even i did no shit the entire day, i don't feel as bad as those days i stayed home the entire day and still didn't accomplished much oh well hahah
Did maths for four hours and continuing with econs now, hopefully i can get some shit into me.....
Study progress is definitely super behind compared to my study schedule wtf seriously and i am just so done with myself watching people going out and having fun, and i know that during SA2, they're still going to perform so much better than me fml seriously. 

Fri: Sorry i can't remb already but tbh, everyday is just a repeat of my life over and over again so yeah. Reason why choose to not blog because i see no point in repeating my shit over and over again

Anyway, Third Week into the holiday and we are actually left with one more week left before damn SA2 and urgh, i am so worried because despite all the studying, it is certainly insufficient and my studying progress is legit too slow for my own sake fml seriously but i am just going to continue my own pace and yes, doing my bet this time round.
Anyway, this week was off and not off at the same time. Quite excited for the weekends and new home is legit freaking way too pretty for my own good?? everything is on point af la HAHAHA
SO YESSSSS this week is a much happier week because of wed break, new home, new clothes and better understanding of macroecons & volcanoes as well!!! and not forgetting weekends with more fun, even greater and better company, excellent food & a definitely much more better me and mindset :))))
Stay strong for another week ahead and when the exams are over, let's look forward to a bit of fun because we start the race again :))) you got this my dear!!!!!

'I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for i have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on upon our dispositions, not our circumstances. '


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