Saturday, December 12, 2015

day 1 & 2

Yes, we are 3 hours faster but i know when this blog post is done, it will be pass the midnight.
Just bathed, and in just two days, so many many things happened. I am so thankful for this trip and i am so thankful for everything that has happened and that is going to happen. This is more than a dream, though it is just two days but i think this is worth more than the nine months worth of wait.

DAY 1:
Check in at 5plus in the morning on 10/12, and board the plane at 7am in the morning. I didn't sleep at all so of course i looked really shagged and tired, but that is okay because i am more than excited to be part of this amazing #AiloveAustralia
Plane took off and i fell asleep immediatel, woke up in the middle for breakfast and lunch but only ate a little before returning to bed. Was feeling rather unwell on the plane and finally realised it was before of that monthly thing -.- omg, talking about that, i need to rant a litte urgh. I can't even trust my body anymore. Everytime, without fail, the period will always come at the most perfect time of the month, it came during ALL of my camps and promos period too.. Like i had to survive all the pain and cramps during the most hectic period of time and giving me that extra and unnecessary burden in life. BUT, no way am i allowing this stupid little thing to spoil my very well-planned mood for this holiday.
When plane landed, we check out and collected our luggage. Everything was really smooth and thank god there was nothing unexpected happened. We even arrived earlier than expected from aunty. She was so shocked that we already arrived and got everything settled and awaiting her arrival now. Melbourne is a place where there are honestly many things not rather up to standard. Like the airport is alright, but the streets do have some litter here and there. BUT, the people are really nice, polite and heartwarming! Still quite little hot angmohs but that's okay becasue today is only day 2!!
Aunty came and we took a taxi van to her rented house. Now, even the taxi here are really cool because the boot is actually automated where it can carry all your bags and stuff up and down the car without any minimal human efforts. But, the van is rather rundown and there was no ventilation at the back, so yeap the trip was rather uncomfortable but i guess the streets and the scenic sight along the ride made it all up :)
We reached our accommodation for these two nights & it is rather small but it is perfectly alright for undergraduates but it is okay becasue it is just two nights yay :) This trip, another great thing was we don't have to switch accommodation every day & we just live in one kind of the whole trip which honestly save us ten thousands trouble i swear.
We settled down and we headed out for dinner. First dinner of the night, first meal here in aussie- Pho Noodles!!! We took the tram (public transport) to Melbourne city area and walked a few streets to our dinner place. Melbourne is a place where there are no high-rise buildings, and there is no big roads or big decorations as well. Everything is kept really simple and there are no extravagant designs or objects as well. There are places that are really bad in terms of maintenance or hygienic purposes but i won't say it is bad or disgusting to another level but it is probably a very simple care of their image and they prefer loving and doing things at their own pace, at their own perspectives :)
This is what i like about melbourne so far, everything is really moving at a comfortable pace and everyone is doing their own things and no one actually bother you with their thoughts or words or actions.
Moving on, Pho noodles was so good and the broth was so good, like urgh the beef broth, and the shrimp roll, the fried spring roll, the roasted pork chop, all are great and all are so delicious !!
(i lost all my snaps) It was such big servings and we were so full from all the eating!! We took a walk and went to the mall, went to the supermarket, bought so many food, but mostly snacks and breakfast for the next day :)
I bought apple juices, yogurt, fruits, milk & a lot of other whatnot but it was so fun because everything is so fresh, so pretty, so big & i just want everything la wth. Going to get food for all my beloved friends back in sg. And the time differences... Still trying to adapt because i keep on forgetting that aussie here is 3 hours late oh my god.....
Cannot wait for the third day tmr when we are going to visit another market omg yay!!
And the people here is really nice because a random stranger wished me an early happy merry christmas when i was on the tram yesterday teehee :3
After that, we took the train home & we alighted at a rather remote place where the station stop is somewhere just outside the resident area and we just alight and took a shortcut that is really dark omg. Here at mel, the streetlights are really minimum and the roads are really really dark in the night omg. thank god we are walking as a group or else you will definitely scare yourself so much.. And bro fell into a bush when trying to pick up a coin and i had a good time laughing HAHAHAH
Finally, we reached home, bathed and finally decide to rest and call it a long day & here, day 1 ended :)


Evening, here at Melbourne 
Shrimp Roll

Melbourne Supermarket 

prettiest tomatoes on earth 

the most genius aunt i ever had 

DAY 2:
Woke up early in the morning and i got ready more than anyone else because i had 3 nightmares... (first night problem) And i wore something simple & and i took a really nice ootd teehee :3
We left house and took the train again to the city station and gather for AMAZING SIGHTSEEING
I have heard so much from Ming abt the place and yes i am finally going to be there. I specially requested for this attraction seeing. While waiting, we bought pie from pie face, a rather popular pie shop, considering that i see it on every other street. The chicken pie is so good & the beef pie is not bad too :) Board the bus and yes, after 1hour plus ride, we arrived at the place omg. Guys, i can't even describe that place with words because everything is more than the work of the nature. The cut-out of the rocks and cliffs, the glistering and glittering of the sea and waves under the sun, the amazing color transitions created due to the rays of the sun, and most importantly, each and every flora and fauna matched perfectly to the amazing view and scene right before me. We took photos at the start of the road and the beach too. Then, we continued on the trip up, but the road and journey up is long and curvy, so there were many turns here and there. Mama felt so uncomfortable and she vomited on the bus, and caused me to feel nauseous as well. Thank god for medicated oil i swear. I saw a dead kangaroo along the road and i almost died oh lord. We arrived during lunch time & we were recommended for the fish&chips, and all of us were all affected by the bus ride, so we felt all unwell and we only ate a bit. We ordered fish&chips, some pasta, and one slice of pizza only. The food is okay only?? But mama was feeling really unwell at that point of time. After lunch, we continued the journey up and we finally reached the place that the guide was saying since the start of the trip, THE FAMOUS TWELVE APOSTLES
It was the exact same thing that was on the textbook and i swear, even the color of the waves and sea is the same!! The wind was blowing so strongly so i couldn't took a genuinely nice photo. But i was so excited when i saw the apostles omg. And then, i saw the other sisters/brothers and i cannot even describe the magnificent and how amazing the nature creation here is. Pretty is way an insult, great is not even the word, and amazing is still an understatement. The place is way beyond words friends. But the wind is blowing so strongly too and one will defintely lose his/her balance when trying to take the photos. We also took the helicopter and enjoy a helicopter view from the top, overlooking the sea and apostles. I took a video and everything is so clear & when admiring the scenic view, i didn't want to talk because i even feel that any words will spoil the quiet beauty right before me.
The place is just marvelous :)
After that, we went to the two survivors, basically two stones named Eva and Tom. The cut between these two stones is another amazing cut and yes friends, IT IS THE HEADLAND AND BAY
'Do you want to be the headland to my bae (bay)' < such cheesy pickup line hahahah
We went all the way to the shore areas, spammed photos and i just can't explain everything into words because i felt so minor in front of all these creations on earth :)
And with this, we ended our Great Ocean Road one day trip. The bus ride back was another 3hours plus long and i slept through all.
Then, tonight, we had italian cuisine for dinner, with chicken, steak, risotto and pizza. Everything is nice but they are just too big portions and too salty and heavy for the body. The food is good but it is just too much that's all. After that, we took a rather longer route home so that it will help in the digestion and finally we reached home and we concluded the day :)

from the helicopter 


Chicken Schtinzel


chicken pie from pie face

Second day into the trip & i am loving everything right here now. Really comfortable weather, polite residents and people, tasty and wonderful food, scenic beauty that can't describe with words and everything is more than on point for this trip. What is coming up next? I honestly can't wait any longer :)
Time check: 2:19am
Goodnight people & i will update again soon :)

'Have a simple heart, everything will work our perfectly just for you'


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