Sunday, February 5, 2012

Woke up quite early this morning to do some research for my BizWhiz Project. Luckily, I found some but sadly, all rejected @_@ haiz; nvm though, cause at least we came up about wht do we wanna do for the project le(Y) FINALLY :P hehe;
Before meeting Joanne and Nelyn at NEX; was out already and watched 龙众舞 and sad to say that; the storyline is very simple and mundane): not much of laughter and surprise which I had expected earlier on...cheat my feelings and my parents money )); haiz; almost got the chance of watching 孩子不坏 but well; PROJECT so ya;
Shall reveal a bit abt the movie; (you can choose to read or not, I don't mind) it is about 3 siblings, 2 of the daughters were born in the year of dragon but what their dad want was a dragon male child, but well; of course, wish cannot be realise, and took that regret with him when he passed away. Years later, thanks to the devotion of the mum of the children, gods send one baby for her and let me remind you, he was not just a simple typical baby, he was a MAGIC BABY. Yup! He seemed to be able to predict wht is gonna happened and he truly brought joy to everyone as well(: in the end, he was being taken back by the gods but many things had happened in the middle which make everyone realizes the importance of reunion dinner and well of course, 有情人终成眷属, everyone found their second half(: -end of my synopsis- xD hehe; sorry, I am not allowed to spill the beans, cause of copyright. I am sorry!
Anyway, after the movie, went for lunch with my family and finally meet Joanne and Nelyn to do project together. But, we were lost and could not find the library so in the end, we did some mini shopping(plus one simple treat at sogurt) xP before finally settled down at Macs .__. haha; but it was quite an interesting trip anyway; haha; xD
At Macs, we discussed about the ideas about what do we wanna do, and in the end finally decided on ______. (sorry, unable to reveal) and we also did some homework before departing and went separate ways. (during the time spent at Macs was super awesome and I learnt many things from both of my expert group mates aka friends) haha;
All in all, it started awesomely and ended perfectly, just the way I want :D

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