Sunday, January 17, 2016

OGL Camp; Prometheus

OGL Camp happened from 4-6jan. First week of 2016.
I couldn't sleep at all all these while and i also didn't sleep until 3plus in the morning. And i even woke up even earlier because i couldn't sleep and as usual, was having sleeping issues so yes.
Before the day, brinjals even met up alre to do the final practice for our dance.
It was good meetup and it was so great because many went for the dinner woohoo.
And it was on that day that i start to see some things and potential in martin, my future afm (or more of, confirmed afm becasue brandu sent the email out alre what even)

met up and gathered early in the school. Took attendance, camp address and all the standard admin procedures. and we played ice breakers, but it wasn't really required because everyone knows each other very well alre lmao. Flag making was next and they decided to have brinjals lmao. They added a crown on top of the brinjal. They were so cute hahahah. Lunch & after that was, finale night and mass dance practice. Mass dance practice was so good because i genuinely love orientation 2016 mass dance because the dance is not easy to learn but it is very nice overall. It is a nice dance but it is definitely not easy to learn.
After that, it was war and wet games. War games were actually just blehh but wet games were super fun because they had all the fun and i could see that brinjals were bonding together as one :) Took many photos together and we almost got our flag taken away fml. chuken asked the flag from me and then jeevan saw and was actually wondering why was he holding onto the flag and then when he passed the flag to afrina, i realised what is going on and then i wanted to snatch the flag back omg. I ALMOST GOT OUR FLAG TAKEN AWAY FML GUYS
After that, i forbid afrina and chuken from the flag and i discriminated the two of them from the flags lmao. So for a good three days, these two didn't even had the chance of going close to the flag lmao hahahah.
Then it was shower and dinner. Omg, super excited about this bc welfare is finally back on track and doing what we are best as doing at. SERVING FOOD WOOHOO
Omg, so proud of welfare comm this entire camp bc we were the food comm and we were always there during meal times yay for us. Serving food was alright but becasue it was the first meal, we did have some problems but thankfully they were minor and we were able to solve them all easily.
Image workshop but tbh wasn't listening to much so sorry to the teachers lmao and i fell asleep when the workshop ended fml.
NCC aka night confidence challenge was next and brinjals were separated into two groups and the group with fariz and azzam were amazing becasue they solved the puzzle with around 20-30mins left on the clock like omg. They were the first group to finish solving everything and in the end, they spent the remaining time talking crap and laughing at one another dumb jokes hahahah. The other group took a longer time but it is okay because brinjals are amazing like that teehee. Then, we were the last group to depart and proceed back to the hall. Then, it was debrief and end of day 1. Councillors had to stay back and we had another round of debrief and i was just dead tired from everything that happened on that day & of course serious lack of sleep. I feel asleep after mama called me and i still remb it was 1230 when i was knocked out omg.

day2: woke up at 630 and we had morning exercise lmao. HAHAHAH
fml, welfare people are so great because we missed out on all the scoldings, punishments and morning exercise during the entire camp lmao. We are such great losers hahahah
We ran away from all because we used all the meal times as the excuses hahahah. day1 dinner too, we ran away from the punishments lmao hahaha.
Then we had accelerace briefing and we set off for accelerace. Accelerace was a super great success because everyone finished the entire course even before 20mins before the original time omg. And it was such a great time bonding withe family. While walking there, it just ended up things that me and martin were at the back alre lmao, and when they turned around they saw the both of us, they started shouting 'martin for afm' so i am just like omg this bunch of people i cannot
btw, friends we did numbering for headcount, and i put isabelle and martin both in charge of the female and male memebrs bc i needed someone to look after the others whenever i wasn't there so yeap. yanling was supposedly the admin ogl but sigh, i asked martin to help him but eventaully, martin was geniuely much more resposinble and realible during the camp because he would do headcounts as and when which it was what i needed from my afm. I need my afm to be seriously much more clear headed than me all the time, and someone that is much more calmer than me most of the time. lmao friends, isabelle was hugging onto the flag the entire camp and she was holding onto like she was holding her life. She was super amazing omg i cannot. I never have to worry where is my flag because most of the time it will always be with her teehee. We were just completing the various games at the different stations and accelerace was probably the most successful part of the camp. Then, we went for lunch at century square. Lunch was so fun because they were just bonding among themselves and super thankful for mabel bc i was so hungry and i haven't been feeding myself properly during camp (i never does that)
Mabel shared a two course meal with me so we had a fish and soup for lunch and it was so good and so filling urgh omg so good. After lunch, we went back to school via public transport and brinjals just took the entire second decker and it was so cool so i decided to take a photo there hahahah.
Came back to school and completed the second part of accelerace.
Open house briefing was next so they were basically taught what to expect and what are they supposed to do during open house and as tour guides.
Left early because welfare comm needed to prepare for dinner hahahah fml. Dinner was buffet once again, but fml. Unlike yesterday, there were slighlty less than half of food left, and we had to threw away half a tub of rice omg wtf. day1 dinner wasn't enough and now day2 dinner left so so much omg. All of us were crying when we had to threw away the food i swear. So much food was wasted and we were crying at all the african kids that we could feed omg fml. fam1 did helped us to clean half and so the comm jsut finished the remaining teehee.
When we were done, we went back to the hall where they were having image workshop aprt 2 but so thankful it was allover lmao. Super thankful for welfare duties because i completely missed out on all the talk and unwanted punishments and physical shit hahaha fml. jeevan asked where were us the whole time and when ruihan told him that we were all cleaning, his entire face color changed omg hahaha fml it was so funny because he was super shocked that his remaining comm, all comprises of only girls finished all the cleaning up hahahah. He felt so bad towards us because he was just there listening to the workshop. I was just like omg we are finally even because when we were serving the food, jeevan kind of insulted me when he said why am i always eating omg fml. And excuse you, i never ever eat properly during camp okay, never. urgh i felt so hurt when he said that to me omg fml. After that, we had our finale night rehearsal. Each family took turn to perform for the finale night and omg every family is so good i cannot but hey, we are not bad too okay. The teachers said that fam 1 and 2 have the best performances omg :')
It was one crazy night and we had so much fun omg i cannot even explain all the excitements that i had during that night. It was one amazing and unbelievable night altogether.
Then, it was debrief, washing up and getting ready for bed.
Talked to mama on the phone and omg mama drived me crazy, when she asked for facetime, and she said that, 'yeah it is good now that i have seen your face' i felt so much in me and the fuzzy feeling omg i cannot even explain them out. mama even wished me goodnight before she went to bed. Council bireifng was after that, and unknowinly i started seeing at the guys side, and had conald on my right, and chuken on my left. The guys couldn't stop teasing me about, don't drop that thum thum thum i swear fml rude kids i cannot hahahah.
Afrina commented that i have been a really good family master and she said that i did a really good job this time omg :') teehee
Super happy about that omg yay
and washed up and we concluded the night, concluded day2

day3: last day of the camp, and we had our very last meal together, and then it was packing up and area cleaning. Run away from morning exercise too lmao hahahah, and then it was reflection and appreciation time. We all gathered in one circle and we wrote some appreciation notes for one another. Then, it was debrief and after photo taking, camp is officially call to an end and everything is now finally over.
Brinjals didn't wanna go home so i called for lunch and lmao, they were so smart when they decided to order pizza over to school and so we all just gathered and have pizza together as lunch as one family teehee. Bunch of cute people omg. we started exchanging snap and ig accounts and finally, everyone is back on social network lmao hahahah.
With this, ogl camp is finally over and everything came to an end.

This 3d2n was an important time and the bonds between all of them escalated so much and i think it was super necessary for them to come together and affirm some stuff together and honestly after the camp, the wa group become more active and they started talking crap and sharing homework up there lmao hahahah. It was so heartening to see all of these and i am genuinely thankful for each and everyone here at the camp.
From that amazing brinjals, to my awesome food comm and finally my very beloved 30th council, that we are all in this together and now we are all one more step even closer to the biggest and maddest event ever, orientation.
Orientation 2016 is going to slay and i believe it will definitely be one of the best moment that each and everyone of us will enjoy and remember.



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