Saturday, July 16, 2011

i dun knw is it puberty or wht lah...seriously i find that i am getting emo this few days over some stupid trival example too much homeworks :X LOL, friendships/relationship problems....maybe this are juz some minor and stupid problem for the life journey..maybe we having seeing tis problem into something so major...or something else related...though i received many comforts and warmth from some of my really understanding frenz..i still cannot pull myself up....i wan 2 shout out loud, turning all my sorrows and sadness into a big loud booming sounds that echos into the air..immediately, i guaranteed u, i will like everything is out of my body, and i feel so relaxed....maybe i am juz being tooo sensitive over it..well, i did try to close one eye and open one eye but they dun seems 2 go away...and i hate myself for this stupid and annoying and irriating reason, i get very jelous very easily...i tried 2 push this idiot feeling of mine off but it dun seems to work....i knw in the life journey, many obstacles are helping you to become stronger and tougher so that you r able 2 withstand in the crucial society....well...i guess...i can only let time changes everything...i dun knw how long will it last...but i am ever ready to fight with u, obstacles!

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