Friday, September 30, 2011

Next week is my days of I will not be updating....sorry! Dun worry,I swear I will do it more often as possible after eoy..mark my word! (:
Halo~ quite a few days didn't update blog le...sorry! Cus nid 2 study for eoy and also actually nothing to write...hehe...paiseh>< hahah; oh,quickly,let me tell you wht I wanna is my last day of school:( and next week is my days of hell!:O argh! I haven't finish revising yet...:p heheh; ya...and this week really make me quite sad....): cus all teachers like saying farewell to us...wts....:x make me feel like I will not get 2 see them le...anyway,today is my las lesson for chi,maths,eng,geo...ya...I guess it will be another sad day le...damn it! I am not looking forward! I dun knw I will cry....cus it is like there is somehow a relationship form between the teachers and say wan leave,it is like damn 伤感...bleach...cannot not write liao..... Seriously on the verge of tearing now...wth....-.-

Sunday, September 25, 2011

School life is weird now...i am actually somehow not used to it any longer...time flies,people change...before the June hols,i was still quite okay..but now,everything seemed to be in a mess...i somehow could feel the stress upon me..i dun understand why..i thinking i am falling anytime but seriously trying 2 hard to remain stable...i dun know..i dun think i am able 2 control myself anymore...i am losing my balance and everything seemed 2 be turning against me...gosh! I nid some help and the strength to remain firm on my ground..can someone help me?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Gosh! I thinking i am killing myself...the art is driving me crazy! I only finish the parrot and the branch and i still got one big background!T^T T~T die liao!~ mum say must finish the whole collage!~:'( Fuck gonna die liao~ gtg now! Or else cannot finish le...Haiz...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fuck you! Stop stepping across the line. Doesn't i am being good to you,den you can cross the line and do whatever you want! Who do you think you are? A princess,queen,lady boss or just a pig that will stuff herself all she want?! Stop acting like you are the innocent one and that everyone is in the wrong!:\ u are juz a pig who only stuff herself with food and yet do not how 2 do her work. Because u dun not know me well,but i can even curse if u seriously pissed me off..but too bad,this time,you are too much,so this is my curse to you,i hope you fail your English,got the last in our class and was send out of this school! If u were out,i make sure there will be a celebration!!:O maybe you think you are not in the wrong and dun seemed know your mistake,then let tell you what is your mistake, you are arrogant,busy-body,an fat-ass,irritant,thick-skin, annoyance,a bitch,and many more which is countless..dun said that i am very pitiful,but because of your repeated actions had greatly pissed me,so dun blame me,dun forget this is my blog,my property! If u ever read it,pls seriously reflect and i hope one day i will see your difference..(which i think is totally not possible)...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I am feeling a bit bored now..tmr got chemistry test and timed practice..dun really dun have the mood or studying but feel like slacking around first before start revising...all of them are nicer to me now,they are willing to talk to me and ask me things that they are planning..sitting wif her is really good! She boost up my friends and i am having mote fun in school now..(: i do not feel so awkward now(: and today was really comforting..stephanie and the others stood by me and told me to go and speak to a bitch. Actually, i dun feel like going and confront her,but they dragged me and speak to her..i was really feeling the friends' warmth..i was so touched..cus i can feel myself crying a bit now,but trying to stop te tears from flowing..friends are forever..and i treasure all the moments now..i dun knw when will this last..but i will forget the past,treasure the present and looking forward to the future. Thank you for adding colours to my life once more.. Love all of you...(:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Life as a sec sch student is getting better as the days goes by.. I can see the rainbow coming out and more fun and laughter could be heard from me. I am back to who am i, the funny and always cheerful one(: i think friends are really awesome..just by changing your attitude and they will realised it(: i am starting to enjoying school now..i think i am back to who i am le..(: always ready to help and laugh or even cheer u up...(: thanks everyone! My sec one life is gonna have a beautiful ending...(: love ya all!^^

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A bitch is always a bitch. No matters what happened,she will somehow find a way and annoyed you. It can be any type,be it physical,mental or even social,she will just know to way to it. I dun know what wrong is with the school. Why projects wanna even exist in the world?! The meaning of project is annoyance and irritant and that is it! I can't see te whole point why is there a need for projects?! Projects are sucking! Argh! :O
Dun understand why this few days love to is like everyday must blog 1-2 times. This is not right since exam is around the corner /: actually, i am not supposed to go online or even the internet, but i just went YouTube and later going Facebook...bleach...\: this should not be the way...i should studying my chemistry notes and assessment and stuffing them into my brain...not blogging or Facebooking or whatever to go now before i get worse..bye~

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dear Jie Ai,

I knw you are gonna have your eoy soon but u dun feel revising...i understand yr feelings but u look back all the hardwork that u put in your worksheets,projects abduction even bloody e-learning, u will also do it! This show that u r actually thought a lot for yr studies right? So always remember this is your final lap before u look forward to Dec hols when u can enjoy yourself every single day and dump all your books away! Remb your hardwork just before mye,because all your efforts, you got 7 in the class! Isn't this truly amazing! So Jie Ai,dun forget what is your goal, i will not write it here.. And always remember there is an iphone 4 waiting for u at the finishing line! So Jie Ai,never ever let this happen to you! Clear?! I hope u will heed my advice!~ all the best and jiayou!~(:

From your owner,
Jie Ai
Hehe..yesterday finally started my revision :p lol-.- but too bad,i practically juz fell asleep...and i woke up this morning @ 6:23am. Can u believe it?! Thanks to the everyday morning routine..but too bad i went back to bed..Hehe..:p i actually thought of waking up but too bad the bed temptation was stronger and fell asleep again -.- Haha..den finally wake up,time was 12:32pm hilarious!~xp oh well,gonna continue with my bio revision..gtg bye!~

Friday, September 16, 2011

Halo~ Long time didn't blog le..Hehe..xp not really have much time now since eoy coming le...-.- actually,i started having a diary,a hyper will actually keep diary! This is crazy right! So i will now kinda 'blo' on my diary since i cannot use com..-.-
anyway,yesterday was my eoy Chinese Oral,tester was lance Lim..i choose myself de..xp Hehe he was quite nice and he told me that I did quite well..Hehe^~^ i was damn happy lorh! Somemore,today i did damn effing well for my geo test leh! Hehe..^<^ oh no,got to gprs and start revising my science,this period i will not really blog,so please try to understand....dun worry,i swear after eoy,i will try to blog as often as possible! So..bye for now! Wish me good luck for eoy....^^~