Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today was the election of president...Dr Tony Tan won and he is now the new Singapore president..actually, it does not really bother much cause i am not even eligible to vote..=.= but i am happy cus Singapore has a president that is not new to the things inside the politics..well ya...many people voted him though...i heard lah! >< anyway, congrats Singapore!!~ ^>^

Monday, August 22, 2011

Today was quite a cool day at school. I needed to act during assembly so i leave class early for it..hehe...xp and we had so-called the last minute rehearsal..but it was only half done, cause the audience came so early...=.= but it was quite a success!~ Everyone LOVE it and were laughing as well!~ This means we have succeeded! hehe..^^ Ohya, my character was a nurse that needs to kinda scold and humiliate the main character and when i finished my role, everyone was laughing which means that my act was successful!~ :D And also for the very first time, I found the show funny and i was laughing non-stop! It was really the right choice to join the Chinese reading club! And it was also right to go for every practice! Everything paid off! ^^ I am over the moon now! Each and every actions and the words now etched deeply in mind now!~ I will never forget this reading club. It really brought my joy to me and i have also learnt a lot new stuffs and also not forgetting that the new bunch of friends that I have made. 读书会,我们明年见!:DDD

P.S. I met Rachel today when going home!! It was just too awesome! \^0^/ Hope we can meet again some day soon! :)
Yesterday, I went to East Coast Park during the evening and it was crowded. I went there cycling and jogging. It was quite fun and interesting as i met a lot of people and also ran into some people as well..:p Anyway, my point was, after the exercise, I suddenly felt engernetic and no more lethargic at all! ^^ I was able to last until 12am, cause it is not very possible for a non-althele like me...=,= and the best part was..when i was running, i did not stop at all and after running, i felt even more energy and could even cycle somemore! ^^ So, exercise are really awesome! They not only makes you more awake, but also help you to perspire and enjoy how sports or exercise could be fun! Now, I LOVE EXERCISE!!!~ hehe... ^<^

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yesterday, i did some spring cleaning around my house and i was exhausted to the manxcs! XD but it was quite a accomplishment! The house was cleaner and i can't believe i did so many things! hehe..anyway, i swept the floor, clean the window, wipe the wardrobe and bookshelf and my table amd my bed and most importantly, i wash my clothes and the toilet! sounds a bit wrong and hard work but it was all true! i really did a lot of things! and, at night, while watching 美乐加油, i iron the clothes again! so, yesterday, i broke my record! hehe...i also complete all my homework! so, you can say that yesterday, i not only accomplish a lot of tasks but i have also enjoy the fruit. As the saying goes,' The fruit taste the best if you toil hard for it' i really have a taste of it! hehe...^.^
Last Friday guides was awesome!~ For the very first time, i enjoy guides to the end!~ ^^ i did not hate the the drilling nor anything! i enjoy every activity! hehe...i think the thought was changing CCA is not going to disappear from my mind! I am now in love with guides! Guides are now juz too fun and awesome, just like what the seniors had said! :P i am now continue to love guides and be a awesome guide to know that i am the big part of the guides sisters family! ^^

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I finally complete all my tasks and assignments!~ woo-hoo! hehe..^.^ anyway, i want to say that i think actually sec school are quite awesome in some or another way....sometimes, good luck are with you while sometimes they are not..juz always remb that we cannot be selfish and always wish for only good is not fair to those who is feeling down or having bad luck world is fair. Everyone will got their chance of both good and bad luck,so that we can all learn from experiences and joy..hehe..sounds wrong!~ but idc..:P anyway,i am having some bad luck before that, but now the goddess of luck with me..hmm..must cherish her for this time to go now!~ write soon!~ cya!~ ^>^

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Today was a success!~ I had my interview today and i think i have seriously apply my critical thinking and all the knowledge i have learnt in school or tuition centre. The words, the phrases, the ideas..everything! It seemed that i have applied everything!~ Woo-hoo! hehe..anyway, today interview, i did not screwed it up..and i think i have tried to answer every question maybe i guess..i have done matter what is the results now, i am not going to have any queries or doubts or other stuffs about it..cause i know deep down, i have done my very best and that....i am always a leader no matter where i am!(:

P.S. i met Huiyi Jiejie today in school! She was wearing the graduation gown and taking photos..i guess it is for memory purpose! I lend a helping hand to them and i even get the chance to wear her square hand aka 方帽子..hehe..(\^0^/) it was quite a nice feeling though...:p

Friday, August 12, 2011

OMG I cant believe it!~ i am selected for student Councillor!~ i am so shocked and happy!~ It is like a dream come true though..but i am not sure was my self recommendation successful or was it i was nominated by my teachers..? anyway, it doesn't really matter anyway..cus i feel like i am in heaven...hehe..tell you a little secret...before that, i was a bit unsure if i am ready and really wanna be a Councillor as the briefing today seriously doubt my will and perseverance now..but now! i am ever ready to tell you! I WANNA BE A STUDENT COUNCILLOR!!!!!!! hehe..think i am mad!~ but i dun care! cus i am just too awesome!~ hehe..anyway..going interview

****WISH ME LUCK~******

P.S.i hope i will not screwed up my interview tomorrow and passed it with flying colours!~ ^>^

Monday, August 8, 2011

Today is the eve of national all the schools in Singapore ends school quite early..and we have 2 holidays coming up was quite a long weekend but i managed to complete almost all my physical and urgent i am now finishing my guides project before the due well..actually, before that, i was quite tired and sleepy but after i took a bathe, everything seems so fresh now and i am able to update my to go and rush my project now! write soon!~

btw,before i forget...

Today is my school ever first walkathon...we had to walk 5km..everyone was so tired that no one wanna talk when we were on our way back...and for the first time, i felt water taste so wonderful! :P hehe..on the way, i met many fellow guides and teachers were everywhere along the journey..actually, come to think of was actually not so bad after is a lot better than what i had thought of..the sun was not really that annoying and we were quite enjoying ourselves cause there was jokes and laughter on the way..wel..maybe if u wan me to rate upon 10..well,i will give approximately 8-9..well,cool right? i think so too..hehe...:P