Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tmr is my birthday but i dun seemed to be excited at all...1 week before that,if mum didn't told me..i seriously i will forget....:P i think i am getting irresponsible..:X well,my frenz say that they will help me celebrate so i am quite excited..and counting down to Monday...LOL..haha...:D Wishing my a early.....

i seriously think that my STM is getting worse...10 seconds i remembered something, then the next 1 second,i will be asking myself what did i wan 10sec ago...LOL
i knw the reason can be due to my lack of sleep,but although how hard i tried...i dun really get to sleep...i will juz get more awake and will think of crazy stuffs...LOL i also dun knw wht 2 do leh...any suggestions for able to sleep in the night?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wanting to do something extraordinary everyday....wanna be someone awesome everyday..trying to imagine one at the highest peak of my life...being just what i want..doing only wht i like or feel like doing.....just trying to be different every single day...everything is going just the way i troubles...just a happy & joyful it possible?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

i dun knw is it puberty or wht lah...seriously i find that i am getting emo this few days over some stupid trival example too much homeworks :X LOL, friendships/relationship problems....maybe this are juz some minor and stupid problem for the life journey..maybe we having seeing tis problem into something so major...or something else related...though i received many comforts and warmth from some of my really understanding frenz..i still cannot pull myself up....i wan 2 shout out loud, turning all my sorrows and sadness into a big loud booming sounds that echos into the air..immediately, i guaranteed u, i will like everything is out of my body, and i feel so relaxed....maybe i am juz being tooo sensitive over it..well, i did try to close one eye and open one eye but they dun seems 2 go away...and i hate myself for this stupid and annoying and irriating reason, i get very jelous very easily...i tried 2 push this idiot feeling of mine off but it dun seems to work....i knw in the life journey, many obstacles are helping you to become stronger and tougher so that you r able 2 withstand in the crucial society....well...i guess...i can only let time changes everything...i dun knw how long will it last...but i am ever ready to fight with u, obstacles!
Nowadays..facebook is getting hotter day by day...every status/photo/video/link u post, it will invite many comments, some maybe u will like it but some u dun...everything is unpredictable.. especiasly on facebook, u will not knw that sometimes maybe juz a simple remarks of yours could turn into a matter of life and death (i only say SOMETIMES) wht i am trying to say is..dun post too much of yr own probs too much...sometimes it will hurt more...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Homework,homework and homework..everyday the same xian~

i have bio wkst, eng-lit, geo, maths, chinese, eng, home encons, many undone!~ i am going 2 die really soon! P.S. i di nt count in my assessments!

i dun knw wht 2 do brain somehow is going rounds and rounds now...den i cannot think anything..i am really scared wht will happened 2 me one day!~ i juz knw i am having headache now! why is sec sch life like tat?!?!

is it really the right choice 2 cm chung cheng?.......haiz...:'(

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Today is 9 July..i should be studying yet i am doing seems that nowadays i dun feel like studying anymore...i got 3 tests on Mon,and yet i haven't touch a single thing on any of them! i also hv more than 5 hmwk to be completed and yet none is done...haiz...dun knw when wil tis end..if tis continues...i am seriously not going 2 get my iphone....can sb pls guide or lead me the way to have the attitude and mood to study....pls?